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Thread: Corruption in the Philippines

  1. #1
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    Corruption in the Philippines

    Will they ever sort the corruption out, or is it to wide spread to control now. You can't even get out the country without being screwed for an extra 500 pesos.

    The re-elected president says she will sort it out, but as the majority of the goverment are probably at it, i doubt it.

    It's a shame, as the investement money, that usually goes walkabout could really make a difference to the country.

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  2. #2
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Re: Corruption in the Philippines

    Ah yes .... Magandang Umaga Bayan as they say in the Philippines.

    Her Excellency President Gloria Macapagal Aorryo has starrted her new Presidency after being being Inaugurated in Cebu.........I was actually there in Cebu when the innauguration took place.... with her New 10 point plan.........the 10 point plan starts with the elimination of corruption in Philippine Officials.

    Her appointment of Noli de Castro as Vice President is an attempt to make great efforts in this area......the first thing that would be nice is the elimination of the 1600 pesos fee that has to paid when a filipino leaves the country for a vacation.

    Thre is no sense in this tax and its a tax on personal development.

    The Philippine Government has a huge debt problem and one of the ways that they intended to raise revenue was by taxing text messaging which as most visitors to the Phils are aware of ....Manila is text message capital of the world.

    This measure we suspect has now been dropped although there are many more tax (corrupt) raising measures in the pipeline....the only problem is Filipinos do not have the wallet capacity to take these measures.

    watch this space as we watch Philippine Corruption

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