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Thread: A great site and utlity

  1. #1
    andypaul's Avatar
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    A great site and utlity

    Heres one to check out i saw it on the TV just now and have used it for a while and thought i had suggested it as a possible useful tool for those who need applications either when on the move or to populate a pc quickly if i asked to sort out a pc while in phill fro example.

    Most of the programs people have used or heard of but its the handy that they are all together and can be run off a portable usb stick which is handy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
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    Excellent find Andy. I've just installed TBird on my Corsair USB 2Gb device, got it set up with 2 IMAP accounts and 3 POP accounts, and it works great, and best of all, no fingerprints anywhere on the PC I'm using.

    Now if only the computer I'm using had USB2, it might be a little quicker!!

    Flash memory and USB sticks are getting dirt cheap, and I can see theres a rosy future for portable applications like these. I use these USB devices all the time anyway to store data like documents, pics, and software.

  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    london well away from those people up norf
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    Will be real handy when in phill if you find a web cafe that has not lock out the usb.

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