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Thread: Is poor NHS hygiene responsible for Jasmines death

  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Is poor NHS hygiene responsible for Jasmines death

    Sun newspaper today carries story of poor Jasmine Pickett's tragic death whilst in a Hampshire hospital on 21st December, Jasmine was not alone another Mother who just gave birth also died of similar symptoms.

    Scientists are trying to determine whether poor hygiene was the cause, Sun quotes one scientist as saying " most likely a staff member was sick at work with a sore throat and passed a virus on to the mothers to be.

    For me, I am still shocked to see the name Jasmine Pickett in a national newspaper in these circumstances.

    I hope our friend and forum member David is ok, my heart goes out to him and Jasmine's family.

    HHS hygiene problems again ?

  2. #2
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Kuya Peter,

    I hope that Dave's Jasmine is not the same Jasmine that was shown on the news..

    My condolences again Dave..

  3. #3
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    which news program do you think it was kimmi?

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i think there is an investigation into the 2 sad deaths and maybe there will be answers , so risks can be reduced,,

    its easy to blame 'dirty' hospitals for everything, but a caesarean birth involves major abdominal surgery, also greater risk of wound or uterine infection, haemorrhage and blood clots, a vaginal birth is overall four times safer for a woman than having a caesarean.

    also how can anyone say it came from a staff member and not from another mother or a visitor, Unfortunately i've had to visit hospital many times in the last few years, and many members of the public visiting sick relatives don't bother to wash their hands before or after visiting, even thou there are signs everywhere...

    and i'm really sorry for david thou

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You are 2.5 X more likely to die from a caesarean than a natural birth. Of those poor souls that do pass away, the biggest culprit is thromboembolism (blood clots), next one is hemorrhaging and then bowl perforation. Very few are reported to be because of bad care or hygiene.
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Sister Kimmi, I beleive it is the Jasmine that is in the news, I am afraid the Daily Mail carried this story today as a front page, the headline.

    "They both gave birth on the same day, 72 hours they were dead"

    Amy Kimmance and Jasmine Pickett, were both mothers who gave birth in the same hospital, under similar circumstances, I would imagine its also been on the news channels as well, since it was a front page story with the mail.

    There is also a nice wedding photo of David and Jasmine in Leyte where they got married, again, as what all of you have said, i am really feeling down about this, and we have not heard from David, but I am sure in due course we will in one form or another.

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I think it's just sad that the media make money from other people's grief, and try and sensationalize a subject that is more than likely not factually correct.
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    Sister Kimmi, I beleive it is the Jasmine that is in the news, I am afraid the Daily Mail carried this story today as a front page, the headline.

    "They both gave birth on the same day, 72 hours they were dead"

    Amy Kimmance and Jasmine Pickett, were both mothers who gave birth in the same hospital, under similar circumstances, I would imagine its also been on the news channels as well, since it was a front page story with the mail.

    There is also a nice wedding photo of David and Jasmine in Leyte where they got married, again, as what all of you have said, i am really feeling down about this, and we have not heard from David, but I am sure in due course we will in one form or another.
    The beautiful picture of David and Jasmine and an article was in the Metro today.

  9. #9
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Peter and Andy,

    Can you please post the link to that news?
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  10. #10

  11. #11
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    thanks for the link Eula..

    I am really saddened with this story..I hope and pray that our Dear Lord give him all the strength he need to overcome this..

    God bless David, and eternal repose for the soul of Jasmine..

  12. #12
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Thanks for the link Eula.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  13. #13
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I notice they eventually mention that they have no medical evidence , which means the story is guesswork, and based on what poor David said, you do not have an asthma like attack, and pass away, with the kind of infection they mention.
    Keith - Administrator

  14. #14
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    My husband read that news first in The Sun newspaper . I told him its in the forum and he is so sorry for the mothers and families. Now he is more worried of me coz im on my 31st week of pregnancy. Its terrible that things like this happened.

  15. #15
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    "Jasmine has been the kind of wife and partner that most men could only dream of."

    What a lovely thing to say David - and I'm SURE it is 100% true.

    I continue to pray for you, your baby and, of course, dear Jasmine.


  16. #16
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Personally, I have to agree with you all, but more so, Alan's comment, about "jasmine being the kind of wife and partner that most men could only dream of "

    How many of us identify with that, and our Filipino Partners, once again, the lady of the Philippines brings praise and is a fantastic ambassador for her country, even on Wowowee last week, TFC Willie Revillame said in public 'THE FILIPINO WIFE IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD

    David's statement in national press shows his commitment to Jasmine, and I am sure that we all identify with what he said.

  17. #17
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    and it makes me feel proud to be a filipina...

  18. #18
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    inquest into a death of a filipina mother, Swindon and Marlborough NHS Trust has admitted liability for the mistake

  19. #19
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Another embarrassing story for all of us, how does it read "Come to UK and work in our NHS service, have your baby there, get killed off by a negligent employee, then after you have buried your wife, get deported for the privilidge"


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    I just read the issue concerning the death of Arnel Cabrera's wife... I wonder why these hospitals employ inefficient staffs. Arnel was denied on the real reason of his wife's death for a year, and now that he has finally found the answer, the home office wants to deport him to the Philippines...

  21. #21
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    the inquest is still going on, but my misses cannot understand how that mistake could have been made maybe the inquest will find out...

    as for deporting him, i suppose thats to do with immigration, but the article doesn't mention how long they had been in the uk, but as their son was born in may 2004, so nearly 4 years at a minimum, i would have thought there was enough grounds for granting them ILR for compassionate reasons.

  22. #22
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    One thing most non-medical folk miss is that epidurals are extremely dangerous, even though the public think they are 'routine' they can kill & maim, regardless of whether it is human error (which happens), a reaction to the medication, or damage to the spinal column. People are warned before they get them they could die in rare & extreme cases, but that means it does happen.

    Anaesthetic kills people every month, including kids at the dentist, it is on the consent form people sign.

    We've just dragged a terminally ill Nigerian (I think) woman out of a hospital and deported her (or going to)......what happened to common sense?
    Keith - Administrator

  23. #23
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    inquest into a death of a filipina mother, Swindon and Marlborough NHS Trust has admitted liability for the mistake

    Was the headline yesterday, sadly many people are being either made very ill or dieing from infections caught in the hospitals many dont make the media, i know of several very sad cases just from people in my circle of friends of realtives going to hospital and never leaving. May they all rest in peace .

  24. #24
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    One thing most non-medical folk miss is that epidurals are extremely dangerous, even though the public think they are 'routine' they can kill & maim, regardless of whether it is human error (which happens), a reaction to the medication, or damage to the spinal column. People are warned before they get them they could die in rare & extreme cases, but that means it does happen.

    Anaesthetic kills people every month, including kids at the dentist, it is on the consent form people sign.

    We've just dragged a terminally ill Nigerian (I think) woman out of a hospital and deported her (or going to)......what happened to common sense?
    I agree with the medical part from the little i know on the subject the NHS is so good at its Job most of the time when it mucks up we get outraged.

    Many of us have had to wait or had bad occasions with the NHS but i have had far more times where I was amazed at the service.

    The Wife had to be rushed into hospital due to a problem where she couldn't stop throwing up and was badly dehydrated once she was more lucid she was worrying about the cost and how would we pay. The first batch of drugs had not worked so they used a second set which cost far more. The NHS used several devices to check the blood, heart rate and even a urine, blood and other tests were taken.
    She needed to drip bags to help rehydrate her she required medcines they were handed to her and a prescription for more at a hugely discounted price. When we left we only had to stop to wait for a taxi and not go to the counter as the wife was used to.

    Sadly peope lose their lives, but the NHS what ever the polticians try to do saves and makes millions of peoples lifes far better.

  25. #25
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    A husband told how his wife died moments after giving birth because an epidural was wrongly put in her arm instead of her back
    The staff who responsible for this is totally stupid! Everyone knows that Epidural goes on the patients back!

    Swindon and Marlborough NHS Trust has admitted liability for the mistake but no one has been prosecuted
    This is unfair!!
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  26. #26
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    doctors and nurses are just the same as us, their human, and people make mistakes for whatever reasons, who hasn't made a mistake at work, written a wrong figure down, sent somethnig to the wrong address, at least our mistakes don't cost lifes and we don't have to live with the guilt, sure this shouldn't have happened, and maybe something can be done to prevent it ever happening again.

    most of you know, i've been to hospital too many times in the last few years, most doctors and nurses do an excellent job, sure there are a few bad ones, i've only meet one nurse that really me off. docs and nurses do an amazing job, in stressful situations that you could never imagine, your life is in their hands, and they have to make life and death decisions, they cannot save everyone, even thou they try their best, so to them, and sorry for those that didn't make it...

  27. #27
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post

    We've just dragged a terminally ill Nigerian (I think) woman out of a hospital and deported her (or going to)......what happened to common sense?
    yes common sense, sure she should not have been deported ,,,
    but i'm reading each day more posts of peope who take the and break the law but still get a visa..

    1) a girl on a visitor visa from malaysia, committed fraud, she served 1 yr in prison, and a few years later has a british boyfriend, they get married, spouse visa is refused, and she wins an appeal , you commit a crime that gets you 1yr in prison and then your allowed back by some judge , whats the point of all the questions on the visa form if you can appeal and win ??

    2) the fake uni's, what a laugh, funny thing is thou, where are these students , what are they doing , you only need to go on a certain 'uni's' website, and type in a random student number, i couldn't find one that had a british or european name

    3) maybe i've noticed another 'scam', hey i might be wrong, i've noticed more and more indians who have married old eastern block women, and are in the uk on a workpermit, and most are asking about the spouse visa and any job restrictions ,, i thought most indians stuck to the caste system, maybe its just my mind..

    lots of more cases i can mention and scams going on scouser keith, and sure many who should have been deported, have not been, many have been able to come back to the uk on a spouse visa after overstaying for years or committed a crime, and some times they send people back who they shouldn't have.. just me off, when i read about other people who have done no wrong getting refused a visa for whatever reason..

    i found this article about a filipino being deported for breaking an asbo , not sure if its been covered on here before..

    but why are they deporting some but not others ???

  28. #28
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    hi pete,
    sad to say i was thinking the same thing,could be poor hygiene...u bet ! but i thought its just happen in manila :nono: as i know other country as the cleaniest among the clean..been thinking of it for alomst 2 days and why that happen (till i keep learning here on the forum and i saw your post and booom i catch you,i was a bit right of my idea...tsskkk poor thing


  29. #29
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    thanks eula (hugs)

  30. #30
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    inquest into a death of a filipina mother, Swindon and Marlborough NHS Trust has admitted liability for the mistake

    Todays breaking news!

    Mum Unlawfully Killed By NHS Blunder
    Updated:14:45, Tuesday February 05, 2008

    A mum who died following a hospital blunder shortly after giving birth was unlawfully killed, an inquest jury has ruled.
    Mayra Cabrera, 30, began to fit soon after a bag of Bupivacaine - a potent anaesthetic - was wrongly fed into a vein in her hand via an intravenous drip.

    Mayra and her son ZacIt should only be given in an epidural and administered to the patient's spinal cord, a month long inquest in Trowbridge heard.

    Mrs Cabrera gave birth to son Zac, who survived, at the Great Western Hospital in Swindon at 8.14am in May 2004.

    But by 9am - shortly after the error - she began to fit and was pronounced dead at 10.27am.

    The jury said gross negligence by Swindon & Marlborough NHS Trust, specifically sub-standard storage of drugs in the maternity unit, had led to the death.

    Mrs Cabrera, who lived in Swindon and worked at the GWH, died from a heart attack caused by Bupivacaine toxicity, her inquest heard.

    But her husband, Arnel Cabrera, was told immediately afterwards that she had died from an amniotic fluid embolism, the inquest heard.

    However, he learned a year later, after instructing a lawyer, that she had in fact died because Bupivacaine had been administered wrongly.

    Midwife Marie To came on duty just after the birth and is alleged to have attached the Bupivacaine to Mrs Cabrera's drip.

    During the inquest she repeatedly denied she had made the blunder which led to the Filipino theatre nurse's death.

    She insisted she thought it was either saline solution or Gelofusine, a blood volume expander to boost blood pressure.

    Swindon & Marlborough NHS Trust admitted liability but, following a police inquiry, the Crown Prosecution Service decided not to charge anyone.

    The month-long hearing was told there had been two other deaths at hospitals in the UK in the last decade caused by Bupivacaine being administered intravenously.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

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