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Thread: To all SINGLE Filipina Ladies

  1. #31
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    A few more thoughts to add to my post yesterday, directed to the ladies. I find that many Filipinas have a belief that their "needs" will all be taken care of by their husband. He will pay all the costs for housing, food, transport, clothing etc etc from what he earns. Of course, if you are a full time housewife, looking after the home and kids, then that is true. However that is a rarity in the UK these days. Most couples both have to work just to pay their bills and lead a reasonable life style. Nevertheless many Filipinas feel that what they can earn is "theirs" and that they can do whatever they wish with it, normally sending most of it back to their various family members. This can cause conflict. You are not an OCW here just to work and remit. You are a wife and you must take an appropriate share of the living costs of you and your husband. There may not be very much left to send back. Thats' the way it is here now so you had also best be prepared for it.
    Right on Mr House!

  2. #32
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    Right on Mr House!
    second the motion..

  3. #33
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You are all beautiful women (well apart from the ones with a moustache ), and have the upbringing and respect that many UK guys would kill for (hopefully not the present wife to win you over ).

    If you haven't found anyone yet, or recently split up, don't worry, time WILL find you someone.

    Remember this though, you are the prize that has us guys running to the Philippines to grovel before you, this means you have the upper hand. YOU are in control. If the guy doesn't fit into exactly what YOU want for the rest of your life, move on, the one for you will be along soon after.

    Some things that can mean it's the worng guy:

    Arguing with you - This is a no no. Small tiffs yes, but not constant arguing, that is NOT happiness, and can lead to resentment & relationship failure.

    Always going on about money - Not a good sign at all. If the guy has problems now, he WILL not be able to support you as you should be supported.

    Doesn't want to visit you - If they are not gagging to get to you ASAP, dump them. They lack the passion for your relationship.

    I'm sure the guys on here can add more advice.

    Nice 1 matey.

    Well it loks like we will be fine then heheheh

  4. #34
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Looks like i mean dohhhhhh

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    A few more thoughts to add to my post yesterday, directed to the ladies. I find that many Filipinas have a belief that their "needs" will all be taken care of by their husband. He will pay all the costs for housing, food, transport, clothing etc etc from what he earns. Of course, if you are a full time housewife, looking after the home and kids, then that is true. However that is a rarity in the UK these days. Most couples both have to work just to pay their bills and lead a reasonable life style. Nevertheless many Filipinas feel that what they can earn is "theirs" and that they can do whatever they wish with it, normally sending most of it back to their various family members. This can cause conflict. You are not an OCW here just to work and remit. You are a wife and you must take an appropriate share of the living costs of you and your husband. There may not be very much left to send back. Thats' the way it is here now so you had also best be prepared for it.
    Hmmmm, nice thread Mr House
    Very interesting too I might add.
    As for me, I have been very fortunate in the respect of my humble background, and attending the most awful school imaginable
    The ferol type of school, where if you were studious, and not behaving badly you got beat up for being odd!!!!
    Well, I have to say that I left early, coz at 15 I had a part time job to help the family, and needed to get to college to study electronics which I did for a number of years, having being interested in radio stuff, and building things since a a very early day, lol
    Ok, so I now have a very well paid job in the Airport sector planning, and maintaining bespoke radio communication/mobile data solutions for the UK, and the rest of the world.
    It feels a bit daunting to have all this responsibility sometimes, but there you go .lol
    To get to the point, I can easily support us, so that's the least of my worries, lol
    I even have a great boss, who likes me, now how many peeps can say that hehehehe.
    I requested some leave this Jan, so that I can be with my perfect princess for two whole weeks, and he was pretty cool with it, lol
    Hanzell is just as excited as I am, and we chat most everyday, but I miss her soooooooooooo much, being mr impatient
    She asks me for nothing, but my love, and I love to give her things, and spoil her so rotten hehehehehhh
    I love her so much, coz she is beautiful in all ways.
    The only thing that I was annoyed, and shocked with, was the fact that she told me that she did not possess a bed to sleep on, and that she used the floor!!!
    She told me this after a year into our relationship, and needless to say, I have remedied this problem, and she is going to buy one from the malls in Cebu today
    Her poor back, ouch!!
    I can't have that, lol
    In fact I had to insist on it, coz she don't like me spending my money. What a nice girl.
    You won't find that in an English women, well most anyway, lol
    Please tell me which money transfer product that most of you use please?
    I find Xoom excellent, fast, reliable, and good value for money.

    Thanks for putting up with me heheheehh


  6. #36
    Respected Member trina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyJ View Post
    Eh?! only single ladies are beautiful?? What about us, married ladies?

    Good advice Doctor Love
    oo nga.....What about us??????
    Matt & Trina Leach

  7. #37
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    Hi guys! i just registered and feeling my way.DO NOT TAKE THAT THE WRONG WAY! About the gwapa filipina.Oh my God! Are they real? Oki enough jesting.I agree the filipina are gwapa but why is it i only find those that cannot tell the truth!im not a bad guy,well sometimes.Im residing in Bacolod ad trying to find someone i can trust.Thankyou .Halong

  8. #38
    Respected Member pacificelectric's Avatar
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    I believe studying the language and learn some basic phrases (magandang gabi, kumusta kana, and the most important 'mahal na mahal kita') can bring you closer to the lady......

  9. #39
    Respected Member pacificelectric's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whisperer View Post
    why is it i only find those that cannot tell the truth!

    Oh oh, a woman telling the truth, you set your standards too high!

    Seriously, what about do you expect the truth?

  10. #40
    Member lonelyheart's Avatar
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    Here I am

    Quote Originally Posted by lavander View Post
    dear win2win,
    your advise really does something to everyone here at the forum...
    well, as per my case, maybe u can help me find my special one...
    am still waiting for him...

    r u there mr. unknown?, give me a hint where to find you! must been hiding all your life

    Not Mr Unknown but Mr Lonelyheart

    Who knows !!?

  11. #41
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by katie37pinayuk View Post
    why laugh nigel... maybe i was just hanging around with the wrong guy for a long time and i missed the right one...or maybe there is something wrong with me...i don't know
    But I meant LOL as in Lot's Of Love!

    This post was a year ago and I'm crying about the misunderstanding now!

    Actually.. It's a hilarious misunderstanding I guess! Hehe

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  12. #42
    Respected Member katie37pinayuk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    But I meant LOL as in Lot's Of Love!

    This post was a year ago and I'm crying about the misunderstanding now!

    Actually.. It's a hilarious misunderstanding I guess! Hehe

    let it go Nigel hehe. i was sensitive then ... heart and brain were crashed then. i found mr. right ( i hope) and very happy at the moment so i have my brain and heart working again i guess

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whisperer View Post
    Hi guys! i just registered and feeling my way.DO NOT TAKE THAT THE WRONG WAY! About the gwapa filipina.Oh my God! Are they real? Oki enough jesting.I agree the filipina are gwapa but why is it i only find those that cannot tell the truth!im not a bad guy,well sometimes.Im residing in Bacolod ad trying to find someone i can trust.Thankyou .Halong
    About the Filipina gwapa, beauty is in the eye of the beholder right? Do you have any problems or shall I say, any bad experiences with women from Bacolod? Please, people lie, some do it moderately i guess, and some has their reasons why they lie.

  14. #44
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    there are bad pilipinas as there are bad english husbands theres a lot of distrust and jeliousy at first in a long distance relationship but for me after going over to the phils for the past 10years it is easier to meet a good girl and start a relationship over there than it is to meet from a dating site [but thats only my view ] or a single one in the uk

  15. #45
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    and remember ladies we married a naturel pilipina because she is just that unlike a western women so dont change and become WESTERNISED

  16. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by trader dave View Post
    and remember ladies we married a naturel pilipina because she is just that unlike a western women so dont change and become WESTERNISED
    Sure sign of westernization......

    When they stop buying handbags.....

  17. #47
    Member Strangemikan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You are all beautiful women (well apart from the ones with a moustache ), and have the upbringing and respect that many UK guys would kill for (hopefully not the present wife to win you over ).

    If you haven't found anyone yet, or recently split up, don't worry, time WILL find you someone.

    Remember this though, you are the prize that has us guys running to the Philippines to grovel before you, this means you have the upper hand. YOU are in control. If the guy doesn't fit into exactly what YOU want for the rest of your life, move on, the one for you will be along soon after.

    Some things that can mean it's the worng guy:

    Arguing with you - This is a no no. Small tiffs yes, but not constant arguing, that is NOT happiness, and can lead to resentment & relationship failure.

    Always going on about money - Not a good sign at all. If the guy has problems now, he WILL not be able to support you as you should be supported.

    Doesn't want to visit you - If they are not gagging to get to you ASAP, dump them. They lack the passion for your relationship.

    I'm sure the guys on here can add more advice.

    Thank you WinWin... I was just wondering about what you mean by "upbringing and respect that many UK guys would kill for "? Sorry if it may seem like a stupid question. Is it because Filipinas are conservative, or there is something more?

    I also want to share maybe a little offtopic but hey, I am single...

    I have a UK boss, we have known each other for quite some time now, and most of the time we talk about work-related topics...but sometimes we flirt with each other, but it was a clean flirt, if there is one...

    Lately, we have been very special to each other, we now share secrets, problems, and other personal topics like, where is he going, what am I doing...and so on...

    There was a time when I think I'm falling in love with him...but my happiness was doomed to be short-lived. I learned that he has this 6 year relationship with his high school gf, and that they are living together...I was really devastated at that time...

    But I have moved on...I was planning to resign, but I did not since I needed the job (I was working part time)...Sometimes, I feel like I am torturing myself...but I know it will pass...

    Last weekend, we had this kind of odd conversation, it is about 5ex. I don't know if I am allowed to use it here... It happened so fast, and to make it a little bit wholesome, we became a little bit bad...not to mention dirty...

    I know, I know, it isn't right...I have never done that before...

    But now, he wanted to visit Philippines because of me, it is so wrong...he said he wants me badly...but I know that it is not anything close to love, its just something else...I don't know what to do...

    I hope someone can help me...I am so 5tupid

    I changed my used to have my picture...but I...hmp...I guess I am so ashamed of myself...

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strangemikan View Post
    Thank you WinWin... I was just wondering about what you mean by "upbringing and respect that many UK guys would kill for "? Sorry if it may seem like a stupid question. Is it because Filipinas are conservative, or there is something more?

    I also want to share maybe a little offtopic but hey, I am single...

    I have a UK boss, we have known each other for quite some time now, and most of the time we talk about work-related topics...but sometimes we flirt with each other, but it was a clean flirt, if there is one...

    Lately, we have been very special to each other, we now share secrets, problems, and other personal topics like, where is he going, what am I doing...and so on...

    There was a time when I think I'm falling in love with him...but my happiness was doomed to be short-lived. I learned that he has this 6 year relationship with his high school gf, and that they are living together...I was really devastated at that time...

    But I have moved on...I was planning to resign, but I did not since I needed the job (I was working part time)...Sometimes, I feel like I am torturing myself...but I know it will pass...

    Last weekend, we had this kind of odd conversation, it is about 5ex. I don't know if I am allowed to use it here... It happened so fast, and to make it a little bit wholesome, we became a little bit bad...not to mention dirty...

    I know, I know, it isn't right...I have never done that before...

    But now, he wanted to visit Philippines because of me, it is so wrong...he said he wants me badly...but I know that it is not anything close to love, its just something else...I don't know what to do...

    I hope someone can help me...I am so 5tupid

    I changed my used to have my picture...but I...hmp...I guess I am so ashamed of myself...

    OOOOOOOOOO.... this is not a new story... so, what's wrong if he wants to visit Phils? everyone is welcome to visit... unless it is something that should be a cause for panic on your part?

  19. #49
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    Florge, what do you mean?

    Well, I reckon I don't have anything to be scared of, just the fact that he is coming here only to have "you-know-what" with me. Did I mention he already has a partner for six years?

  20. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strangemikan View Post
    Florge, what do you mean?

    Well, I reckon I don't have anything to be scared of, just the fact that he is coming here only to have "you-know-what" with me. Did I mention he already has a partner for six years?
    Ohhhh... hhhmmm... that's a very expensive "you-know-what"... well, if it doesn't feel right for you, then I guess it may not be right indeed. Personally, I trust my instincts and most of the times it was was always right... Only you can decide if you'll go for this arrangement or not.. just be ready with the consequence of your choice. good luck

  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by lonelyheart View Post
    Not Mr Unknown but Mr Lonelyheart

    Who knows !!?
    Lavander and Mr LonelyHeart?! .... hmmmmm.... i smell romance.... hehehehe.... go go go...

  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    Lavander and Mr LonelyHeart?! .... hmmmmm.... i smell romance.... hehehehe.... go go go...
    lavander is happy at the moment, now she found one at last,i hope it will end in happy relationship,some how..................

  23. #53
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    Thanks florge! Indeed, definitely a very expensive "you-know-what"! Thanks so much!

  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strangemikan View Post
    Thanks florge! Indeed, definitely a very expensive "you-know-what"! Thanks so much!
    you're welcome... glad to be of help.

  25. #55
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strangemikan View Post
    Thanks florge! Indeed, definitely a very expensive "you-know-what"! Thanks so much!

    maybe he is bored with his current relationship...
    and want NEW and YOU...

    some guys or gals even, with steady & long relationships but not yet married tend to go on detour (which is so ) but they cant help it, they have their reasons... :Erm...

    but just be ready to any consequences that may arise...

    mahirap maglaro ng apoy...

  26. #56
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    This thread is really old hehe but wow, what an insight!


    Don't you think that we are so blessed to have our guys who love us as much as we love them? This world has hope still... lol

    Just sad to know that some people will do anything for money: scamming etc (but little did they know, that he/she might be the right person).

    There is no such thing as "THE PERFECT PERSON"... but be the RIGHT PERSON!

    In love as always,

  27. #57
    Member Strangemikan's Avatar
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    Thanks Jay&Zobel, tama ka, maybe he's just bored...

    You look really happy in your pic btw, hope I'll get my own happy ending too...*sigh*

  28. #58
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strangemikan View Post
    Thanks Jay&Zobel, tama ka, maybe he's just bored...
    no worries Strangemikan... but of course you will feel "it" right? if it is love or just lust?

    this is the best time to use the "Safeguard Soap: Kunsensya " or better known as Gutt feelings...

    Quote Originally Posted by Strangemikan View Post
    You look really happy in your pic btw, hope I'll get my own happy ending too...*sigh*
    Thank you You will someday too...

  29. #59
    Respected Member katie37pinayuk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strangemikan View Post
    Thanks Jay&Zobel, tama ka, maybe he's just bored...

    You look really happy in your pic btw, hope I'll get my own happy ending too...*sigh*
    you will. be rest assured. you are still young. you must only be aware of what you are doing and what you are looking for.

  30. #60
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    lol .... this thread keeps bumping

    I think the original post was something about why filipinas are the best.

    Well, here's my shot; they are loving, caring (though they worry to much) and when they first have decided that you "belong" to them, then nothing on earth (or in hell) can change their mind. They always make you believe, that whatever decisions have been made, it was all yours. They would almost never talk about you behind your back - and in case they do, trust me, it will be good things only (unless you're a pig, but then again you wouldn't have taken the time or have the knowledge to register here).

    If I should mention bad things, then hmmm...... well, it is my own experience that "city girls" are the ones to look out for. They are a tiny bit too street smart for my taste. If you at some point in time got scammed, I will bet it was a city girl - meaning a girl from one of the big cities like Cebu or Manila area.

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