Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
A few more thoughts to add to my post yesterday, directed to the ladies. I find that many Filipinas have a belief that their "needs" will all be taken care of by their husband. He will pay all the costs for housing, food, transport, clothing etc etc from what he earns. Of course, if you are a full time housewife, looking after the home and kids, then that is true. However that is a rarity in the UK these days. Most couples both have to work just to pay their bills and lead a reasonable life style. Nevertheless many Filipinas feel that what they can earn is "theirs" and that they can do whatever they wish with it, normally sending most of it back to their various family members. This can cause conflict. You are not an OCW here just to work and remit. You are a wife and you must take an appropriate share of the living costs of you and your husband. There may not be very much left to send back. Thats' the way it is here now so you had also best be prepared for it.
This is so true.. Some Filipinas with thier UK husbands do have trouble shaking the OCW syndrome. They have difficulty accepting the concept of shared responsibility for cost of living expenses.

Are Filipina wives for real..??? Or do they consider a UK husband as an overseas opportunity/employer?? The ongoing goal will be to support the family back home.. Yes indeed, when they work, their salary is for the folks back home.. The poor UK hubby is just to cover the day to day expenses in the UK..
