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Thread: To all SINGLE Filipina Ladies

  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    To all SINGLE Filipina Ladies

    You are all beautiful women (well apart from the ones with a moustache ), and have the upbringing and respect that many UK guys would kill for (hopefully not the present wife to win you over ).

    If you haven't found anyone yet, or recently split up, don't worry, time WILL find you someone.

    Remember this though, you are the prize that has us guys running to the Philippines to grovel before you, this means you have the upper hand. YOU are in control. If the guy doesn't fit into exactly what YOU want for the rest of your life, move on, the one for you will be along soon after.

    Some things that can mean it's the worng guy:

    Arguing with you - This is a no no. Small tiffs yes, but not constant arguing, that is NOT happiness, and can lead to resentment & relationship failure.

    Always going on about money - Not a good sign at all. If the guy has problems now, he WILL not be able to support you as you should be supported.

    Doesn't want to visit you - If they are not gagging to get to you ASAP, dump them. They lack the passion for your relationship.

    I'm sure the guys on here can add more advice.
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
    Respected Member Marwin08's Avatar
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    Boss Keith,your brilliant.Your definitely right boss.And i would take this advice of yours into my heart and mind for me not to commit mistakes again.

  3. #3
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Eh?! only single ladies are beautiful?? What about us, married ladies?

    Good advice Doctor Love
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  4. #4
    Respected Member katie37pinayuk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You are all beautiful women

    If you haven't found anyone yet, or recently split up, don't worry, time WILL find you someone.

    Some things that can mean it's the worng guy:
    i really would like to believe this...after a split-up

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaywin07 View Post
    for me not to commit mistakes again.

    You haven't "committed" anything.
    The guy was very insecure and unwilling to work to make a success of the partnership.
    You are lucky that it didn't go any further.
    It could have been disaster.

    Quote Originally Posted by katie37pinayuk View Post
    i really would like to believe this...after a split-up
    You better believe it.......
    The right person for you, is out there waiting....... only that he doesn't know yet.....

  6. #6
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by katie37pinayuk View Post
    i really would like to believe this...after a split-up
    Awww you split? What happened lol?

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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaywin07 View Post
    Boss Keith,your brilliant.Your definitely right boss.And i would take this advice of yours into my heart and mind for me not to commit mistakes again.
    What aromulus has said to you is very true. Good luck

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You are all beautiful women (well apart from the ones with a moustache ), and have the upbringing and respect that many UK guys would kill for (hopefully not the present wife to win you over ).

    If you haven't found anyone yet, or recently split up, don't worry, time WILL find you someone.

    Remember this though, you are the prize that has us guys running to the Philippines to grovel before you, this means you have the upper hand. YOU are in control. If the guy doesn't fit into exactly what YOU want for the rest of your life, move on, the one for you will be along soon after.

    Some things that can mean it's the worng guy:

    Arguing with you - This is a no no. Small tiffs yes, but not constant arguing, that is NOT happiness, and can lead to resentment & relationship failure.

    Always going on about money - Not a good sign at all. If the guy has problems now, he WILL not be able to support you as you should be supported.

    Doesn't want to visit you - If they are not gagging to get to you ASAP, dump them. They lack the passion for your relationship.

    I'm sure the guys on here can add more advice.
    wow,i just always read funny jokes from you.... but now u have great word to advice well never realize that u can be cupid

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaywin07 View Post
    Boss Keith,your brilliant.Your definitely right boss.And i would take this advice of yours into my heart and mind for me not to commit mistakes again.

    jaywin...ur still young...i found my true love at the age of be patient..u will be alright...and seeing your picture...your fine...

  10. #10
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    Ladies, I think what the boss said is right

    Here's my take.

    Arguing: A good relationship needs a good foundation. Arguing and 'trying to hold it together' at the start is not a good foundation. ...time to run!

    Money: Any man who is serious will have an idea of how much he will have to spend to pull it off. Some guys will be sailing pretty close to the wind but that doesn't mean they can't support you. Being careful with money shouldn't be taken as a sign he is broke... maybe he's just being sensible which should be seen as a quality. However, if he's struggling financially to make the first trip to PI... he ain't got a hope of funding the rest.

    Doesn't want to visit: Yes, he should be gagging to get to you... and you should feel the same. Also, a relationship naturally has to move forward or it will starve. However, you do need to consider his work commitments. Don't assume he can drop everything, fly half way round the world, so you can leap into his arms like the scene in Armageddon! Personally, I would ask right at the start with all the other questions... but tactfully.. like, 'if he met a girl he liked, would he visit her and when?'. If he answers 2/3 months for example, hold him to it, then if he starts making excuses .... time to run!

    Good luck to you all

  11. #11
    Respected Member silver13's Avatar
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    Take the good advice from the boss, he is definitely right Arguing isn't healthy especially in a long distance relationship. If he is always going on money this is not so good, later on, that will be the cause of failure in the relationship.

    Yeah i believe that a man should have the initiative to visit you in PI, but if he says he can't visit you at early stage, give him a chance because some guys although they can afford to visit you or cantravel immediately, they just want to test you. Anyway he if truly up to you, he will travel to visit you sooner, this is from my own experience

    Good luck to all.
    CPLURLTC Care, Patience, Love, Understanding, Respect, Loyalty, Trust & Concideration / Compassion Are all the values Me & Anilyn hope to give each other, sometimes we may both fail, but we will always try, I am sure most of u in here are the type to do the same with their loved ones.

    Ingat Paul & Anilyn

  12. #12
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    talking by experience Boss?he he he he

    what about the advise for in a relationship with a British guy?what to expect or anything?

  13. #13
    Respected Member katie37pinayuk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Awww you split? What happened lol?
    why laugh nigel... maybe i was just hanging around with the wrong guy for a long time and i missed the right one...or maybe there is something wrong with me...i don't know

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Awww you split? What happened lol?

    split on the floor ---------

  15. #15
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Sounds my dad

    Boss you’re such a caring and protective admin…

    In my situation we don’t argue my Bf made me feel I’m always right even I got mad at him…(Mostly from misunderstanding)
    Knowing him almost 2 years I’ve been aware to his ups and down coz we started friends.
    The first time he didn’t make it to visit me I was so disappointed
    but knowing his reasons really made my heart soften and more supportive and more inlove with him…
    Financial and emotional support he’s there for me even miles away…The only thing is to give him time to finally meet me ..…
    if that won’t happen 2-3 months starting now I’ll run then (Kidding beb)
    like the always saying move on and let’s see things turn out.

    Life is so short so live to the fullest…No worries ... just stay happy and remain positive thinking!

    To my kukupops I want you to know that I love you so much ..
    oh btw thanks for replacing my mobile

  16. #16
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    A big difference between arguing & misunderstanding which will always happen when different cultures collide. Which is why each other should read this & this. These are excellent books.
    Keith - Administrator

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    A big difference between arguing & misunderstanding which will always happen when different cultures collide. Which is why each other should read this & this. These are excellent books.
    i thought they were books on racing tips

    number 1 cause of arguments or lack of it

  18. #18
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    It pays for all our holidays
    Keith - Administrator

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i thought they were books on racing tips

    number 1 cause of arguments or lack of it

  20. #20
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i thought they were books on racing tips
    I thought as well

    Thanks Boss for the link I'll tell my kukupops to add it on my pasalubong list

  21. #21
    Respected Member lavander's Avatar
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    dear win2win,
    your advise really does something to everyone here at the forum...
    well, as per my case, maybe u can help me find my special one...
    am still waiting for him...

    r u there mr. unknown?, give me a hint where to find you! must been hiding all your life


  22. #22
    Respected Member telford's Avatar
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    nice advice po!!!

  23. #23
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    disagreemnets are part of life

    Hi my fiancee and i have had a few disagreements since we have known each other some over money , some over cultural diferences , i think a lot of misunderstandings come from not being able to talk the dialect and not fully underatnading the cultue , wich i hope to try to learn and a lot of guys dont even try or want to know which i think is silly
    I think the biggest point is to remeber what has been said on both sides and be able and man enough to say sorry to your woman if you are qeong or the other way round ,then sit down and talk it through most times there will be give on both sides and an agreeable sytuation should eventuate

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    They are the kindest women in the world

    Hi all I am Durkhaima's other half. To all the guys out there, they are the best women in the world and I have found my one and only. She is full of LOVE and is 110% LOYAL, hard to find that quality in a English woman. You are so right Win2Win. I do think life can not run smooth all the time, But always remember never let the Sun go Down on a disagreement no matter how small it may seem. Take care all you lovely people. Derek.

  25. #25
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    I would add a word of caution here to this advice. There is a widespread belief in the Philippines that every white man is loaded. There is another belief that if they (the white guy married to a Filipina within a family) has it, and you (the Filipino within that family) needs it, it is their duty to give it to you without too many questions asked. Sorry if this sounds cynical. In many cases your wife, or fiance, won't be like that at all but members of her family will be. She might become as agrieved as you at constant demands for "support" or "allowances" but her natural family orientation will make her feel guilty if she doesn't "help". My advice to everyone is to establish some ground rules early on and then stick to them. To the ladies I would say please make sure that you are marrying your man for love, and for your own future, and not because he can be the salvation of your family. To the guys I would say beware, when you marry a Filipina you will find that her family play a much bigger part in your future than you might be prepared for. If you are ready for that, fine, but if not you can expect problems. My own response has always been to support efforts to become self sufficient and to avoid those which lead to dependency. I have failed miserably. Every venture we have supported, and there have been many, has failed due to a lack of basic business sense and discipline, with money being diverted to other pressing "needs" and then the hands are held out for more from the rich guy. It can produce stress and you need to be prepared.

  26. #26
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes some filipina's should come with a gov and bank mangers health warning

  27. #27
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    A few more thoughts to add to my post yesterday, directed to the ladies. I find that many Filipinas have a belief that their "needs" will all be taken care of by their husband. He will pay all the costs for housing, food, transport, clothing etc etc from what he earns. Of course, if you are a full time housewife, looking after the home and kids, then that is true. However that is a rarity in the UK these days. Most couples both have to work just to pay their bills and lead a reasonable life style. Nevertheless many Filipinas feel that what they can earn is "theirs" and that they can do whatever they wish with it, normally sending most of it back to their various family members. This can cause conflict. You are not an OCW here just to work and remit. You are a wife and you must take an appropriate share of the living costs of you and your husband. There may not be very much left to send back. Thats' the way it is here now so you had also best be prepared for it.

  28. #28
    Respected Member angel1231's Avatar
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    may i add..thats whay when u get married or wanting a filipina wife it always comes with the package no doubt about it.and lots of this.... from u...

  29. #29
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    A few more thoughts to add to my post yesterday, directed to the ladies. I find that many Filipinas have a belief that their "needs" will all be taken care of by their husband. He will pay all the costs for housing, food, transport, clothing etc etc from what he earns. Of course, if you are a full time housewife, looking after the home and kids, then that is true. However that is a rarity in the UK these days. Most couples both have to work just to pay their bills and lead a reasonable life style. Nevertheless many Filipinas feel that what they can earn is "theirs" and that they can do whatever they wish with it, normally sending most of it back to their various family members. This can cause conflict. You are not an OCW here just to work and remit. You are a wife and you must take an appropriate share of the living costs of you and your husband. There may not be very much left to send back. Thats' the way it is here now so you had also best be prepared for it.
    , not my misses, she works, she gives me most of her wage( for now anyway) to help pay the bills, and yes some of the money goes back to the phils to get my stepson thru uni, also to get her cousin thru uni, and to help her aunt out, which i'm more than happy and willing to pay,even thou sometime it leaves us with little left.

    and i'm hoping soon she will be giving me money to spend , its not my money or her money, its our money.. and in near 6yrs we have done whats best for us and her family in the phils, without one big argument

  30. #30
    Respected Member jencha8569's Avatar
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    well said and quite right

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