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Thread: To all SINGLE Filipina Ladies

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  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    A few more thoughts to add to my post yesterday, directed to the ladies. I find that many Filipinas have a belief that their "needs" will all be taken care of by their husband. He will pay all the costs for housing, food, transport, clothing etc etc from what he earns. Of course, if you are a full time housewife, looking after the home and kids, then that is true. However that is a rarity in the UK these days. Most couples both have to work just to pay their bills and lead a reasonable life style. Nevertheless many Filipinas feel that what they can earn is "theirs" and that they can do whatever they wish with it, normally sending most of it back to their various family members. This can cause conflict. You are not an OCW here just to work and remit. You are a wife and you must take an appropriate share of the living costs of you and your husband. There may not be very much left to send back. Thats' the way it is here now so you had also best be prepared for it.

  2. #2
    Respected Member angel1231's Avatar
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    may i add..thats whay when u get married or wanting a filipina wife it always comes with the package no doubt about it.and lots of this.... from u...

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    A few more thoughts to add to my post yesterday, directed to the ladies. I find that many Filipinas have a belief that their "needs" will all be taken care of by their husband. He will pay all the costs for housing, food, transport, clothing etc etc from what he earns. Of course, if you are a full time housewife, looking after the home and kids, then that is true. However that is a rarity in the UK these days. Most couples both have to work just to pay their bills and lead a reasonable life style. Nevertheless many Filipinas feel that what they can earn is "theirs" and that they can do whatever they wish with it, normally sending most of it back to their various family members. This can cause conflict. You are not an OCW here just to work and remit. You are a wife and you must take an appropriate share of the living costs of you and your husband. There may not be very much left to send back. Thats' the way it is here now so you had also best be prepared for it.
    , not my misses, she works, she gives me most of her wage( for now anyway) to help pay the bills, and yes some of the money goes back to the phils to get my stepson thru uni, also to get her cousin thru uni, and to help her aunt out, which i'm more than happy and willing to pay,even thou sometime it leaves us with little left.

    and i'm hoping soon she will be giving me money to spend , its not my money or her money, its our money.. and in near 6yrs we have done whats best for us and her family in the phils, without one big argument

  4. #4
    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    , not my misses, she works, she gives me most of her wage( for now anyway) to help pay the bills, and yes some of the money goes back to the phils to get my stepson thru uni, also to get her cousin thru uni, and to help her aunt out, which i'm more than happy and willing to pay,even thou sometime it leaves us with little left.

    and i'm hoping soon she will be giving me money to spend , its not my money or her money, its our money.. and in near 6yrs we have done whats best for us and her family in the phils, without one big argument

  5. #5
    Respected Member Tish's Avatar
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    I too was brought up in the city, and would never dream of doing such things to others

    But for every scammers out there, there's always one to be scammed, so make sure not in any


  6. #6
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    A few more thoughts to add to my post yesterday, directed to the ladies. I find that many Filipinas have a belief that their "needs" will all be taken care of by their husband. He will pay all the costs for housing, food, transport, clothing etc etc from what he earns. Of course, if you are a full time housewife, looking after the home and kids, then that is true. However that is a rarity in the UK these days. Most couples both have to work just to pay their bills and lead a reasonable life style. Nevertheless many Filipinas feel that what they can earn is "theirs" and that they can do whatever they wish with it, normally sending most of it back to their various family members. This can cause conflict. You are not an OCW here just to work and remit. You are a wife and you must take an appropriate share of the living costs of you and your husband. There may not be very much left to send back. Thats' the way it is here now so you had also best be prepared for it.
    Right on Mr House!

  7. #7
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    Right on Mr House!
    second the motion..

  8. #8
    Respected Member mommyhere's Avatar
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    Being man and wife should always be about "sharing" even in UK, in the Phils.. or anywhere else...

    I could share with anything, money, house maintenance, bills etc..if I have job or resources to get it from, if not then i could share with budgeting and chores, or simply being a responsible partner to start with..

    about sending money to ur homeland families, ..oh well it depends on the urgency and needs, but it should come with a serious, honest, and realistic discussions and arrangement between the partners, but it should be dealt with both parties, wth willingness and most of all with limitations..especially if there are kids to consider and prioritize.

    it's simply about sharing...
    EXCEPT... except the toothbrush and the undies...
    "Honesty is probably the sexiest and the priceless thing man can give a woman"

  9. #9
    Respected Member MarBell379's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mommyhere View Post
    it's simply about sharing...
    EXCEPT... except the toothbrush and the undies...
    She told me it was all right to share her undies.
    Now you tell me its wrong????

    They're so comfy!!

  10. #10
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    A few more thoughts to add to my post yesterday, directed to the ladies. I find that many Filipinas have a belief that their "needs" will all be taken care of by their husband. He will pay all the costs for housing, food, transport, clothing etc etc from what he earns. Of course, if you are a full time housewife, looking after the home and kids, then that is true. However that is a rarity in the UK these days. Most couples both have to work just to pay their bills and lead a reasonable life style. Nevertheless many Filipinas feel that what they can earn is "theirs" and that they can do whatever they wish with it, normally sending most of it back to their various family members. This can cause conflict. You are not an OCW here just to work and remit. You are a wife and you must take an appropriate share of the living costs of you and your husband. There may not be very much left to send back. Thats' the way it is here now so you had also best be prepared for it.
    Hmmmm, nice thread Mr House
    Very interesting too I might add.
    As for me, I have been very fortunate in the respect of my humble background, and attending the most awful school imaginable
    The ferol type of school, where if you were studious, and not behaving badly you got beat up for being odd!!!!
    Well, I have to say that I left early, coz at 15 I had a part time job to help the family, and needed to get to college to study electronics which I did for a number of years, having being interested in radio stuff, and building things since a a very early day, lol
    Ok, so I now have a very well paid job in the Airport sector planning, and maintaining bespoke radio communication/mobile data solutions for the UK, and the rest of the world.
    It feels a bit daunting to have all this responsibility sometimes, but there you go .lol
    To get to the point, I can easily support us, so that's the least of my worries, lol
    I even have a great boss, who likes me, now how many peeps can say that hehehehe.
    I requested some leave this Jan, so that I can be with my perfect princess for two whole weeks, and he was pretty cool with it, lol
    Hanzell is just as excited as I am, and we chat most everyday, but I miss her soooooooooooo much, being mr impatient
    She asks me for nothing, but my love, and I love to give her things, and spoil her so rotten hehehehehhh
    I love her so much, coz she is beautiful in all ways.
    The only thing that I was annoyed, and shocked with, was the fact that she told me that she did not possess a bed to sleep on, and that she used the floor!!!
    She told me this after a year into our relationship, and needless to say, I have remedied this problem, and she is going to buy one from the malls in Cebu today
    Her poor back, ouch!!
    I can't have that, lol
    In fact I had to insist on it, coz she don't like me spending my money. What a nice girl.
    You won't find that in an English women, well most anyway, lol
    Please tell me which money transfer product that most of you use please?
    I find Xoom excellent, fast, reliable, and good value for money.

    Thanks for putting up with me heheheehh


  11. #11
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    How True This Is..

    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    A few more thoughts to add to my post yesterday, directed to the ladies. I find that many Filipinas have a belief that their "needs" will all be taken care of by their husband. He will pay all the costs for housing, food, transport, clothing etc etc from what he earns. Of course, if you are a full time housewife, looking after the home and kids, then that is true. However that is a rarity in the UK these days. Most couples both have to work just to pay their bills and lead a reasonable life style. Nevertheless many Filipinas feel that what they can earn is "theirs" and that they can do whatever they wish with it, normally sending most of it back to their various family members. This can cause conflict. You are not an OCW here just to work and remit. You are a wife and you must take an appropriate share of the living costs of you and your husband. There may not be very much left to send back. Thats' the way it is here now so you had also best be prepared for it.
    This is so true.. Some Filipinas with thier UK husbands do have trouble shaking the OCW syndrome. They have difficulty accepting the concept of shared responsibility for cost of living expenses.

    Are Filipina wives for real..??? Or do they consider a UK husband as an overseas opportunity/employer?? The ongoing goal will be to support the family back home.. Yes indeed, when they work, their salary is for the folks back home.. The poor UK hubby is just to cover the day to day expenses in the UK..


  12. #12
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    A few more thoughts to add to my post yesterday, directed to the ladies. I find that many Filipinas have a belief that their "needs" will all be taken care of by their husband. He will pay all the costs for housing, food, transport, clothing etc etc from what he earns. Of course, if you are a full time housewife, looking after the home and kids, then that is true. However that is a rarity in the UK these days. Most couples both have to work just to pay their bills and lead a reasonable life style. Nevertheless many Filipinas feel that what they can earn is "theirs" and that they can do whatever they wish with it, normally sending most of it back to their various family members. This can cause conflict. You are not an OCW here just to work and remit. You are a wife and you must take an appropriate share of the living costs of you and your husband. There may not be very much left to send back. Thats' the way it is here now so you had also best be prepared for it.
    Quote Originally Posted by bystander09 View Post
    This is so true.. Some Filipinas with thier UK husbands do have trouble shaking the OCW syndrome. They have difficulty accepting the concept of shared responsibility for cost of living expenses.

    Are Filipina wives for real..??? Or do they consider a UK husband as an overseas opportunity/employer?? The ongoing goal will be to support the family back home.. Yes indeed, when they work, their salary is for the folks back home.. The poor UK hubby is just to cover the day to day expenses in the UK..

    I think that the problem for many is that their families back in Phils see them as OFW's from whom remittances are not just hoped for but expected. I have noticed however, from various posts that I have read on this forum, that although most of the newley arrived Filipina wives always seem to accept this situation, there seem to be a big difference of attitude with the wives that have been here for 5 years or longer. It seems that over a period of time living in the UK, a sense of reality starts to creep in.


  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by bystander09 View Post
    This is so true.. Some Filipinas with thier UK husbands do have trouble shaking the OCW syndrome. They have difficulty accepting the concept of shared responsibility for cost of living expenses.

    Are Filipina wives for real..??? Or do they consider a UK husband as an overseas opportunity/employer?? The ongoing goal will be to support the family back home.. Yes indeed, when they work, their salary is for the folks back home.. The poor UK hubby is just to cover the day to day expenses in the UK..

    i can assure you, not in our household! what my wife earns stays here and that is her choice, not mine, yes we are a ph/uk marriage but, unlike others we are more like a western marriage ie; the money goes into one pool, our pool

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    A few more thoughts to add to my post yesterday, directed to the ladies. I find that many Filipinas have a belief that their "needs" will all be taken care of by their husband. He will pay all the costs for housing, food, transport, clothing etc etc from what he earns. Of course, if you are a full time housewife, looking after the home and kids, then that is true. However that is a rarity in the UK these days. Most couples both have to work just to pay their bills and lead a reasonable life style. Nevertheless many Filipinas feel that what they can earn is "theirs" and that they can do whatever they wish with it, normally sending most of it back to their various family members. This can cause conflict. You are not an OCW here just to work and remit. You are a wife and you must take an appropriate share of the living costs of you and your husband. There may not be very much left to send back. Thats' the way it is here now so you had also best be prepared for it.

  15. #15
    Member LuisaKC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    A few more thoughts to add to my post yesterday, directed to the ladies. I find that many Filipinas have a belief that their "needs" will all be taken care of by their husband. He will pay all the costs for housing, food, transport, clothing etc etc from what he earns. Of course, if you are a full time housewife, looking after the home and kids, then that is true. However that is a rarity in the UK these days. Most couples both have to work just to pay their bills and lead a reasonable life style. Nevertheless many Filipinas feel that what they can earn is "theirs" and that they can do whatever they wish with it, normally sending most of it back to their various family members. This can cause conflict. You are not an OCW here just to work and remit. You are a wife and you must take an appropriate share of the living costs of you and your husband. There may not be very much left to send back. Thats' the way it is here now so you had also best be prepared for it.

    well said
    "I am stronger than depression and I am braver than loneliness and nothing will ever exhaust me."

  16. #16
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    Yep...I can dig that.

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