already been andy, we went on the 15th, came back on 16th, again i was the only whitey guy waiting, i don't know how many took the exam, as most had entered the hall already, must have been 100's (around 700 !! last time) i would say 99% were indian or pakistani.
nice little money earner for the GMC, £150 a time and my wife didn't pass last time, as the gmc have come up with a more money making scheme, what they do is, the answers papers are marked by computer, so they can work out what the average mark is, and then set the mark you need to pass at something like 10% higher or what ever they deicde, and so most people can notpass and most will always fail
this time she said the exam was harder, looking on the forums, most said it was, and with her ielts expiring, another scam, why should your cert expire after 2 years, of course some
at ielts thought we can make more money here, make them take it again after 2 years
, so the misses will have to take that again and get an average of 7 or was it 7.5
just money off britain...