Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
hi everyone,

I just want to ask for some helpful idea here..Most of u know I am finally here in the UK and adjusting with a lot of things..and I am glad that fiance is working at home so it will be easier for us to go to places here..so in short he is always beside me 24/7, dont get me wrong I am not complaining..

My problem is this..My fiance will be celebrating his birthday on March 3..I know u might say it's too far yet, and it's only January now..what do u think is a nice gift I can give him??I ask it as early as now so at least I have lots of times to prepare and save for whatever I think is the best..

My first idea was to surprise him with a great food, but his a good cook than me so I think of another, I'm also thinking of giving him a great wine or whisky since I know most of the british loves to drink but how will I buy that he's always beside me I mean I havent go to supermarket or in the shop by myself yet..

any idea will be much appreciated...thanks in advance
sis eerrhhmm its easy ............
tell him .... you'll be treated like a king just for today
-give him a romantic dinner with candlelight, even if he cooks better mare atleast you tried your best,
-give him a massage from head to foot
-and a nice bed with rose petals hehehe of course use red petals mare
wrapped yourself with a red ribbon and give him a scissor to cut his gift

... and dear sorry no box to fit me .... i hope you like your gift ...