strip a grams

bring back some bad and good memories , my sick and twisted boss, you never told him it was your birthday coming up, or if you was stupid enougth to tell anyone, a strip a gram or even gran would be booked, and most were not your normal good looking nurse ones

they were the worse of the worse , one guy who's brithday it was , was tied to a chair !!, a bag up over his head, and a started to touch him, one of the guys we worked with , was so shocked he left the room, and we never saw him again , thats the truth..

and a guy was so he couldn't even stand, he saw the stripagram coming to wards him, he tired to make a run for it, ran , got hitby a slow moving car, unlucky for him he was not injured and was dragged back to be humiliated

many more cases i could go into but they are too , one poor guy was tied to the railings on the front of the building on the main road, with most of his clothes removed tied to a blow up doll for more than an hour in winter..

welcome to british culture, never once in 9 years did they get me thou , always took 2 wks off near me birthday and never mention birthdays