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Thread: Looking for advice for a possible overly sensitive guy!

  1. #31
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    If I listened to my mum, I'd be a Nun by now
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  2. #32
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    If I listened to my mum, I'd be a Nun by now
    i think she meant numskull


  3. #33
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    My mum used to say 'Grow up stupid!' I did
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  4. #34
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    My mum used to say 'Grow up stupid!' I did

    ure really such a good son..

  5. #35
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    Well, bit of an update for you all. Not quite what I was hoping, but I guess what I was expecting.

    After my harping on about Anna not asking for any money, it finally happened! She wanted money to help pay towards the visa costs. I know a few people on here having been highlighting the red flags, so I decided this would be how I would decide for myself.

    I decided to send her the money she requested with her agreeing to pay it back next month. If she paid me back the following month, then I know I can trust her. If she didn't, or she disappeared, then ok I've lost some money, but it is probably a lot less than it could of been in the long run!

    Anyway, the day she got the money, I text her to check she had it ok and she confirmed. Since then I've heard nothing. That was last Tuesday.

    I've just tried phoning her today and it goes straight to a system message saying something like "the number cannot be completed as dialled, please check the number and dial again". Unless anyone knows different, I'm thinking this means her number has been disconnected. But then again, it's a pay as you go SIM card, so I don't know if this message could mean something else!

    Anyone got any ideas?

  6. #36
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    "the number cannot be completed as dialled, please check the number and dial again".

    I think that means she has no signal. the other message is "your phone is unattended or outside coverage area"

    just retry after 30mins..

  7. #37
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    Ok, will do. I've had the "your phone is unattended" before which is why when I got the "number cannot be completed", I assumed the worst. I'll keep an open mind, but still won't be holding my breath just yet! :-)


  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveUK View Post
    Ok, will do. I've had the "your phone is unattended" before which is why when I got the "number cannot be completed", I assumed the worst. I'll keep an open mind, but still won't be holding my breath just yet! :-)

    just pretend you gamble and you lost...ok as far as im living here in PI, my intention doesnt want to hurt you...but when i read that you send money i just said "oh no !"sorry bro...the meaning of that"number cant be completed in dial" difinitely the sim is not on the mobile for more than 48 it..
    So you gamble ,you lost ! no intention to hurt your feelings but at least be aware on the situation you deal with
    anyway its not the end of the world dave

  9. #39
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    I was beginning to think as much, but like I said, I knew this way I'd find out sooner rather than later!

    Don't worry about hurting my feelings. It doesn't come anywhere to near as much as how much she has hurt me! :-)

  10. #40
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    keep in touch on the forum...ok ?? dont shy to post here on your situation w/ regards from anna....treat us as your family

  11. #41
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    I'll try my best. Pretty cut up at the minute, even though I knew this was a possibility!

    I phoned Anna's friend earlier who asked me to phone back after half an hour because she was somewhere (it sounded busy). Tried phoning her back a couple of times and sent her a couple of texts, but I'm getting no response from the texts and no answer when I phone!

  12. #42
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveUK View Post
    I'll try my best. Pretty cut up at the minute, even though I knew this was a possibility!

    I phoned Anna's friend earlier who asked me to phone back after half an hour because she was somewhere (it sounded busy). Tried phoning her back a couple of times and sent her a couple of texts, but I'm getting no response from the texts and no answer when I phone!

    until now dave no text or call from Anna??for me if the phone says u cannot completed as dial or u cannot reach maybe the phone is turned off or switch off or no signal..

    just try again and again and again but if ur fed up already and its been a couple of days already but u havent heard anything from her then for me thats the time u have to give up..

  13. #43
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    I'm cut up, but admittedly there is still a part of me still hoping she'll get in contact. The last time we went 8 days without contact (a few weeks ago), she claimed she'd been in hospital for the whole week after an accident. In the rush to get her to hospital, her phone ended up a few hours away from her! That time though, her phone was always switched on.

    This time, especially after I've just sent her some money, with her phone appearing to be off, I can't help but assume the worst!

  14. #44
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    well hope for the best and expect for the worst..

    can u think of any idea on why her phone will be like that??dont tell me she'll be in the hospital again or she's not in the speaking mood???

  15. #45
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    I look back at past e-mails and conversations we've had, and it all seemed pretty genuine. I have an e-mail she sent me one night when she was upset saying how she didn't know if she could carry on the relationship given the distance between us, and how upset she got worrying about me meeting someone else back in the UK. That doesn't sound like coming from someone who is trying to scam me! If it was all a scam, I'd just expect everything to be great and her not be e-mailing me wondering if it will all work out!

    But then I look at things now. I send her some money, then get no response from her for the week after, and now her phone appears to be switched off! I can't help but expext the worst now! :-(

  16. #46
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    from the visa interview until now Dave u still no contact with Anne?

  17. #47
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    wow as i always carried away w/ every ones story here on the forum like story of sir al (for example) and the other filipina who stayed in london for 6 months and now its you...wanted to know the continuation of this as i said earlier "keep posting"
    on the other side ..i can see you are very much like her(or should i say you love her already that much) coz you are trying to depend her side as telling us how great the way she wrote email for you
    well its kinda take your own risk !
    i didnt cheat men in my whole intire life...but as far as that kind of story is concern (joke) lol at least get some smile on my qoute ----------> .

  18. #48
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    No contact! After she had the interview, we spoke about it for 10 minutes (I was in work). She said she was in there for an hour and a half and they asked her the usual stuff like how long she'd known me and stuff. I'd stated in my letter of invite to her that I would cover her financially when she visited the UK. She told me at the interview they asked her how was she so sure I would take care of her.

    You see, that is something that makes me believe she did have the interview. If she was lying about the interview, then I wouldn't expect her to come up with a lie about them asking her about what I'd said in the letter of invite. I'd just expect her to say they asked her the usual like how long had we known each other, how did we meet. But then she reckons she needs another interview. As everybody I've spoken to online and offline has said, they've never heard of someone needing more than one interview, that makes me think again it was all a scam!

  19. #49
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    oh no Dave I hate to say this but I guess it is really sort of a scam but still give her the benefit of doubt lets say until tommorow..and if she's still didnt communicate or u still cant contact her after a week then its over..what do u think??still its ur decision..

    on my experience, when I had an interview on my visa it is only once and I told right away my fiance whatever the result of it whether approve or denied because he has all the rights to know the result of it..

  20. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    oh no Dave I hate to say this but I guess it is really sort of a scam but still give her the benefit of doubt lets say until tommorow..and if she's still didnt communicate or u still cant contact her after a week then its over..what do u think??still its ur decision..

    on my experience, when I had an interview on my visa it is only once and I told right away my fiance whatever the result of it whether approve or denied..
    your right kimmi,
    she can pretend that theres 2nd interview just to have the money from him ,gosh again dave sorry (my personal opinion)

  21. #51
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    Well, here's another little twist to the story!

    When I couldn't get hold of Anna this morning and was getting the "redial the number" message which I haven't heard before, I fired off an e-mail to her mobile company telling them I was having a problem getting hold of her. They've just got back to me saying their database shows her mobile is currently roaming. As she's on pay as you go, she can't receive calls. I tested their explanation by phoning my pay as u go filipino mobile and I found I was getting the same voice message.

    OK, that explains why I can't get hold of her by phone, and maybe she's text me today (my filipino mobile is at home at the minute so can't check it). But to be honest, that still doesn't put her in the clear!

    The reason I lent her the money for the visa was because she couldn't afford the whole thing herself. Yet it now appears she can leave the country! Obviously the money I lent her must of paid for that, so I'm still under the assumption I've been scammed! If she's gone back to Hong Kong, she hasn't switched her HK mobile on, or she's now using a different number there!

  22. #52
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    ok just wait until u can get hold of ur filipino mobile phone then u decide..

    but with regards to ur explanation re the phone pay as u go so far i havent experience that voice message..Ive got a roaming phone and eventhough i dont have credits i can still receive calls..

    ok benefit of the doubt, here we are..well maybe some of the friends here can explain better than me but that was only my humble opinion and to help u clarify things..

  23. #53
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    when my wife went for an interview, they didn't tell her straight away, they said they would let her know, but that was 3 years ago, and it took the embassy nearly 3 months to tell her, and thats only becuase i sent them a email...

    to be honest, it doesn't look good, looks like she's definately avoiding you, and so is her friend, maybe you have been scammed, but usually a scammer would try to get as much out of you as they can, by telling you they need money for this and that.. if shes is not, then whats the reason shes avoiding you ? maybe shes got a b/f or husband, maybe it was a bit of fun for her, thats gone too far and guilt has got to her ? .. who knows.. maybe you will find out one day.. i know how you feel thou, i've been there..

    for now try and take it easy, i'm sure she will contact you again, and when she does. keep asking her whats wrong, if she doesn't tell you, keep asking til she cracks ... then you will know the truth..

    good luck.

  24. #54
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    Kimmi, I do appreciate all your comments :-) I wouldn't ask if I didn't want to hear them, good or bad! :-)

  25. #55
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    Cheers Joe for your comments. Much appreciated mate.

  26. #56
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    ok thanks..just make sure u check ur phone at home first so u will know if she send u a message there..and let us know..


  27. #57
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    hmmm seems u didnt appreciate my reply to you hehehe coz u just mentioned kimmi and joes comments,well sorry if im straight forward...

    this would be my last reply to your story...GOOD LUCK

  28. #58
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    Not at all jedc143. I definitely do appreciate your comments and more so the fact you are straight forward with me. Please accept my apologies for missing you out, and please do keep posting.

    I promise I won't forget you again! :-)

  29. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveUK View Post
    Well, bit of an update for you all. Not quite what I was hoping, but I guess what I was expecting.

    After my harping on about Anna not asking for any money, it finally happened! She wanted money to help pay towards the visa costs. I know a few people on here having been highlighting the red flags, so I decided this would be how I would decide for myself.
    Curious What sort of visa was she applying for? Perhaps you should study the visa requirements and see how she matched up. There are lots of visa related threads on here... read and consider how serious was your girl about a visa. Can't help thinking how money is an important visa requirement... and your girl had to borrow the fee

  30. #60
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    It was for a tourist visa and she claimed she was using an agency to help her with the visa! There were various reasons why she "had" to use the agency. I couldn't really argue with her as, like she kept telling me, things are done differently in the philippines!

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