just be a lawyer kimmi,more sensible![]()
just be a lawyer kimmi,more sensible![]()
Yay! seems like this is the longest thread on the forum!
Not an expert, I only try to help.
sorry about that,i was teasing about the page 6 and then when i replied on kimmi,i'm the one who started a page 6,i'm gonna make a rally not to make this post on page7,or boss close this thread
I say 'Bring back hanging in schools for disruptive pupils!'
That should be enough to get this thread to 8 pages (or more.)
are we going to make a new thread now about Corporal and capital punishment??because i think its not related about bieng sensitive, what do u think Dave??
Hah Hah! I'm not sure! I'd be a bit sensitive if they tried capital punishment on me! :-)
For those Phills worried they might try to hang you if you vist the lovely island and drop some litter. Also because i was nosey to see if they were allowed .
If the Judge puts on a Black cap.
You should be ok just quote protcol nbr 13 and make sure he or she knows its after 1-11-2006 and even if they did pass it, the sentence would get commuted to life imprisoment (which means your be out in a few years most likely) as no way would the British goverment allow them to do it. As they have done in recent history, when the judgement was handed out.
Corporal punsihment has also been abolished it seems, so it should be safe for scousers and dodgy londoners to go there.
A bit more googling showed that the easter festival is still running
Still time for all the sporty Phill uk types to get there entries in![]()
Hi Dave, yes many of us been through similar things and not only with filipina's, don't give up though mate, go out to the Phils have a good time, you don't need to go to the bars to meeta girl just smile at in the shops in the Mall, there are plenty of ovely ladies there, you don't have to meet them through the internet but it is way of getting to know them on a deeper level.
Just get out there enjoy it and be cautious. There are 000's of great looking girls waiting to fall in love with a guy like you over there and the majority of them are genuine.
Alan used to work in Jersey![]()
Keith - Administrator
dave did you ever visit phils?
what a story![]()
Yeah, I did cheers mate. Got back last Monday after 2 great weeks! Met up with an amazing woman who I've been chatting to online and texting for the last few months.
It's kind of made this whole episode of my life worth the pain I went through as it lead me first to this forum, and then thanks to a new friend I made on here, lead me to my new lady! :-)
wow this thread live again
congratz simon wish u and yam good luck and hope this time went okay to both
of you![]()
Cheers jedc143 :-)
Glad things are working out for you Dave!
Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!
im sorry dave but i think your girl is not telling you the whole truth...sorry
Hi Dave, hmmmmm I never heard about having 2nd interview. I know you dont wanna hear it but reading your post I think she isnt really interested. Just like any filipina are saying that people in the Philippines are very attached to thier mobile phones and of she really meant what she says that she really likes you, she will find a way to communicate and if she is upset or somethin she should have let you know to get you out to worry.. Well, goodluck to her 2nd interview.
Filipina_owl and Terrielicious,
Thanks for your concerns, but luckily for me, the girl this thread was about is long gone and I'm now very happy with another very beautiful and kind filipina! :-)
Wow! I sure was glad when I got to this part. I can say I`ve had similar experiences in life. Though my trip to Hong was backward from yours Dave- I stayed at Lantau (where she worked) and visited Central with her for something to do rather than the other way around.
I can also say I fell in love with a "working girl" (many years ago)Get ready for the shocker- IT WAS A HUGE MISTAKE![]()
ye this is an old one post.no bother to reply any i guess as daveuk is already moving on..He is now facing a new chapter along with his yummy yum2x...good luck daveuk........you really deserves it...............................
im happy for you Davegoodluck and keep the spirit of Love.
"You don't have to be a certain age to fall in love;
although you've maybe been told you're to young.
For those who tell you that,
that don't know whatis."
bossssssss closed this thread page 7 already he got new love now....lol
I am glad this story has a happy ending!!
I think its best not to start a relationship with a Bar girl, i am not saying they are all scammers but it can turn into a very complicated story so best to not try there and anyway there are millions of great other Filipino girls waiting for Mr Right or Mr white lol joking of course!!
Mr.White? lol kuya eljohno , i dunno why some foreigns choosen to be with bar girls , arent they looking for Love or for One Night Stand? anyway , not all of course but "some"
Congrats Dave ... start to collect the pictures of u both together from ur first visit and other evidences needed for ur new girl friend's application for the near future![]()
"You don't have to be a certain age to fall in love;
although you've maybe been told you're to young.
For those who tell you that,
that don't know whatis."
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