We had talked about hopefully seeing one another early next year, that seemed such a long time away, and flights during the Christmas period so expensive. How time had dragged for us both since our first meeting in September.

I first flew out to see Shirley less than 3 months after meeting on line. After returning at the end of September time has dragged for us both, despite daily emails, messenger chats and phone calls.

I looked at flights, seeing the cost. Due to work commitments I could not go before the end of November, and January/February was looking unlikely for various reasons.

Today, searching the web I found cheap flights with KLM, £513, flying out 28th Nov and returning 9 December. So that was it – booked.

After a phone call to a disbelieving (and very happy) gf now we can look forward to our second meeting, less than 3 weeks away! What joy, I felt quite choked up emotionally telling her on the phone. As a bonus I will be there to see the Fiesta celebrations in her home town. (Whatever that involves!)

When I was there in September Christmas music was playing in the Malls, what will it be like now I wonder.

There seems to be a big difference between first and second meetings I think (am I right?). When I first flew out to see Shirley neither of us could be sure if we would get on as well in person as we had done online. Now we know one another all that is behind us and we can only look forward together.
