WowI really thought it's only melodramatic filipinas who find it too difficult to walk away from a soiled love relationship...
<<<for those guys who are honest enough to share their love woes and hurt feelings.
WowI really thought it's only melodramatic filipinas who find it too difficult to walk away from a soiled love relationship...
<<<for those guys who are honest enough to share their love woes and hurt feelings.
Well, after sending her the e-mail the other day saying I'd forgiven her as I believed she must of had a reason other than to scam me from the start, I then sent her a crappy text message last night with a couple of verbal slaps. Ok, I guess I was being bitter as I'd just heard from her friend about Anna scamming me from the start, but it was how I felt at the time!
Of course an hour or so later, I re-read an e-mail Anna had sent me one night while she was still in HK saying how she was upset and didn't know how the relationship could last as she was struggling to trust me! It also said she was try her best and she was sorry for putting this worry on me and she'd get through it! Once I read that, it got me thinking again! So I ended up replying to that e-mail asking her did she mean any of it! Again, I don't expect a reply!
trust you, maybe shes been let down in the past
many things i could have said to my now wife, but i didn't, i knew one day i would regret it if i did.. trusting her now could be a problem for you thou, but time is a great healer thou...
I am very sorry for what happened Dave..Cheer up, u can still find somebody who is worthy of ur love...![]()
Cheers Kimmi
Will ur next thread be "Moving on Dave"???he he he
Quite possibly to be honest! :-)
I already have a new issue I was thinking of posting a new thread on looking for advice! What has happened with Anna has messed me up a little and is making me question certain things! But I'll save that for the new thread when I start it. You'll know it when you see it! :-)
ok I am looking forward to ur new thread..I am glad that ur fine now and hopefully have learned ur lesson...Cheers..
I have, hence the need for the new thread! :-)
i've learnt my lesson, i should have Listened to my mummy
calling the attention Of Dr.Joebloggs, ure needed in the forum..calling the attention of Dr. Joebloggs..![]()
I was scammed once
In the pub, back in the 80's, I spent all night buying a Manc bird loadsa beer expectingas payback...........turned out to be a guy dressed as a woman......
.........anyway.....not wanting to waste a dark room, what you can't see you don't know.....
Keith - Administrator
lmao Cheers for that mate. That's the first thing that has made me laugh out loud in a while! :-)
Well you say you're a sensitive Guy! What are you doing with prostitutes then?
I'm a sensitive Guy, it's never been a help to me in my life but I've never touched a prostitute either.
There is plenty of nicer girls in the world including Filipinas.
Move On
Prostitutes are cheaper than wives
Keith - Administrator
Is a bargirl a Pole?![]()
Keith - Administrator
Dave, I don't think it's generally perceived that sensitive people associate with bargirls. I would have assumed they would take a more cautious, thoughtful approach to their actions. To consider the greater picture in any given circumstance. In this case the morals, the dangers, the health hazards, the supply & demand scenario etc. Look at the psychological effect this had had on you. Perhaps you don't have psychological capacity to back up your physical actions.
And don't worry, I'm no angel. I've even been arrested and threatened with the birch in your country.
I really hope this is all some help in analysing yourself, your actions and going forward.
i wonder if this goes to page 6
what a long story
thats why I guess Id rather not be a sensitive or a pole dancer anymore..what do u think Ate?
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