Please be careful about the well intentioned advice you are giving.
This is the first time I have thought of making a post of this nature, but more recently I have been reading some threads and have been horrified at the amount of incorrect but well intentioned advice that has been given out on this forum to those who seek ready made solutions to their personal stories.
Whilst many of you, and none shall be named ! have been only trying to help others in a spirit of co-operation with others, many have simply mis read the question, or simply mis-understood the request for information.
I noticed Rob has had to red flag some one's mis-guided responses to another's fairly simply question, and sent them off in a totally wrong direction.
No one claims here to be an expert, that is not the purpose of the forum, its a self help forum, however, please if you wish to give matter of fact advice, please ensure your advice has a firm foundation before giving such advice, to the point of doing research on behalf of the questioner, if you really are interested in helping them.
And please ensure, you have read the question 3 times before giving a written post in answer, that way, at least then you will have grasped what the questioner is asking for, and subsequently anything you say, will set them on the right track.
Many thanks for all your contributions.