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Thread: Confused and angry!

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  1. #1
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    Confused and angry!

    My partner has just been refused a Visa at her interview. One of the reasons was that on her application we said that she would be coming here in March and staying for 4 months. Since the application was lodged we were led to believe that any new Visas would only be given for 3 months, so at her interview she gave leaving date of mid March and returning at start of June. The CFO picked this up and along with my partner not knowing certain details about my divorce her visa was denied. Because she applied for a visitor visa we believe she can not appeal? What do we do now?
    Everything else seemed to be in order, we have been together for 3 years, meeting every 3 months and have a house in Philippines.

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    As advised everywhere on here, she needs to apply for a fiancee visa, the chance of a fiancee getting a visitor visa is less than 5%.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    yes admin is right you need to apply a fiancee visa you have a lot of chance to get it or married her in the philippines and apply for spouse visa it easy.

  4. #4
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vbkelly View Post
    yes admin is right you need to apply a fiancee visa you have a lot of chance to get it or married her in the philippines and apply for spouse visa it easy.
    hi there

    What is easier to get...FIANCEE or to get married here and apply for spousal visa.? tha:nks

    Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint. - Isaiah 40:31

  5. #5
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aidaaida View Post
    My partner has just been refused a Visa at her interview. One of the reasons was that on her application we said that she would be coming here in March and staying for 4 months. Since the application was lodged we were led to believe that any new Visas would only be given for 3 months, so at her interview she gave leaving date of mid March and returning at start of June. The CFO picked this up and along with my partner not knowing certain details about my divorce her visa was denied. Because she applied for a visitor visa we believe she can not appeal? What do we do now?
    Everything else seemed to be in order, we have been together for 3 years, meeting every 3 months and have a house in Philippines.
    Ask your partner to look at the refused letter from the British Embassy, it should say there if she can appeal or not.

    and try to speak to the ECO (the person who interviewed your partner) or apply for visitor visa for her again but this time make sure you/your partner correct all the mistake from the first application or option 3, go for fiance visa or spouse visa (if you marry her in Phils).
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  6. #6
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    sorry to hear the news but u can only appeal on the visa refulsal if they included an appeal form when they returned her documents..

    i wonder why uve been together for 3 years and meeting every 3 months dont u apply for a fiancee visa?because like what other friends have said here its likely to get more approval than a visit visa..i am also talking based on my experience..

  7. #7
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Tell her to change her Nationality to Eastern European.

    Don't speak any English -

    Have no money -

    Have kids back in Poland, Romania etc.....

    Don't have anywhere to live in UK -


    My home country STINKS!!!!


    Sorry guys - perhaps this should have been a rant.

  8. #8
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    Tell her to change her Nationality to Eastern European.

    Don't speak any English -

    Have no money -

    Have kids back in Poland, Romania etc.....

    Don't have anywhere to live in UK -


    My home country STINKS!!!!


    Sorry guys - perhaps this should have been a rant.
    havin a bad day Alan?
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    Tell her to change her Nationality to Eastern European.

    Don't speak any English -

    Have no money -

    Have kids back in Poland, Romania etc.....

    Don't have anywhere to live in UK -


    My home country STINKS!!!!


    Sorry guys - perhaps this should have been a rant.

    i'm really with IND, the slogan "securing britains borders"
    any watch the news on ITV last night, how a reporter paid £500 to buy a 14 year of romanian girl to use in the sex industry, how did these lowlife get thru 'britains secure borders" , organised criminal gangs, using kids... good to be in the EEC

    don't come back to the uk AL, go live some where in the EEC, like the south of france , then apply for a family permit for your wife, live in france, then come to the uk if you still miss this place

    one angry teacher, oh i just found out that on my ou course, my tutor is the same lady who taught me at college 20 years ago

  10. #10
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    oh whats wrong Prof Al...

  11. #11
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Nothing wrong Kimmi - I just feel so ashamed that I can't take Hanna to the UK at the moment.
    She is my wife and yet UK immigration - in their wisdom - would refuse her if we applied at the moment.]

    Yes - I know they have rules - and we must abide by them - it's just a personal thing.


  12. #12
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    Nothing wrong Kimmi - I just feel so ashamed that I can't take Hanna to the UK at the moment.
    She is my wife and yet UK immigration - in their wisdom - would refuse her if we applied at the moment.]

    Yes - I know they have rules - and we must abide by them - it's just a personal thing.

    am sorry to hear that Prof Al..

  13. #13
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    well,i wish u can make it on the near future sir al wish u good luck ......anyway as long as you are together thats the most important thing by now

  14. #14
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    150 & the missus can stay with Joe......just lock yourself in the room to be safe
    Keith - Administrator

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post & the missus can stay with Joe......just lock yourself in the room to be safe
    house is full now, sorry no room in the inn , our 7yr old daughter has slept in the same room as me and the misses since coming to the uk, and now little joe is to, 2 beds in a row ,she didn't want to be left alone, now, last night, i finally went to bed, saw she wasn't in her bed, looked if she was in little joes cot (its a big cot) no, looked under the bed, looked around the house couldn't find her , then last place stepsons bedroom, fast a sleep in his bed, he was in another room, playing online games 24/7 , in morning i asked the misses why she in there !, she said oh she wants her own room now , because her friend at school got her own room, and she doesn't want us to see what shes upto , funny, we had to wait for her to sleep, so she couldn't see what we were upto , like cleaning little joes sick up

  16. #16
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    The questioner is common is he not on this forum ?

    How many times do we get newbies who post this sort of thread, sadly many end up being frustrated and irritated by Entry Clearance Offices, who seem at all times to make some of the most incredibly insensitive decisions when it comes to relationship visit visa's.

    Time and time again, we attempt to warn interested ones, that they cannot expect very much success if their partner applies for a visitor visa, the chances are, as Keith has said, pretty grim in receiving the result they wanted.

    I always advise newbies to dispense with visitor visa applications, if there future intention is to marry at some stage, I am largely against visitor visa's being given in these circumstances, as the return back ratio of those who are approved is less than 20 per cent.

    personally (and by the way I always make my position very clear even if it offends some sectors of this forum) that I don't believe in a try before you commit type visitor visa.

    Some applicants think that its ok to apply for a visitor visa just to see if they can get on in UK together,and whether the applicant will like the lifestyle, or other significant factors such as.

    1. Adjusting to the British way of Life.

    2. Seeing whether the applicant and sponsor are compatible.

    3. A 3 Month trial engagement. (formerly 6 months on old visitor visa)

    4. A 3 Month visitor visa that turns into a gateway to working in the unregulated employment market.( formerly 6 months)

    As I said previously, try before you commit visa's are to me a mockery of the whole marriage visa system.

    And also it makes a joke out of those of us who have complied with Border and Immigration rules by doing things the right way, it also leaves one to think that maybe if the couple cannot decide to commit to a life together then perhaps they are not ready for a marriage commitment in the 1st place.

    All too often I see girls arriving on visitor visa's only to end up staying in the Tago ng Tago market place, ducking and diving, using false names, obtaining new passports by declaring a former passport lost, and laughing at the whole system that allows them to circumvent our border and immigration rules.

    I am sorry to hear the questioner's girl has been refused her visa, however on the other side of the coin, it was probably the wrong visa in the 1st place to apply for.

    The questioner has only themselves to blame, and will find no quarter with me...

    Pete always tells it as it is, shoot the writer of this if you want...

    My wife is due her little red book and like many of the Filipina wives on this forum whose husbands did things the right way, they will benefit from that too.

    Unless the applicant is related to the sponsor by marriage or blood, there is no automatic right of an entitlement to an appeal against a refusal to issue, unless its clear on the application that the applicant is the fiancee (in this case) of the sponsor. and in that case, the application would be on the basis of issuing a marriage visa, not a visitor visa.

    Don't try and buck the system - if the wheel ain't broke don't fix it.

  17. #17
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    Thank you for your comments but you are wrong about being only 3 months now for a visitors Visa. It is still 6 months and was only proposed by the Government and not implemented.

  18. #18
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aidaaida View Post
    Thank you for your comments but you are wrong about being only 3 months now for a visitors Visa. It is still 6 months and was only proposed by the Government and not implemented.
    the gov also proposed to increase visa fees, bring in the life in the uk test, and they did last year ,anything to do with money they will do it

  19. #19
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    It WILL be 3 months, as they are bringing it into line with other countries. New visa's will be available for longer for business & specialist travellers.
    Keith - Administrator

  20. #20
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Hi aidaiida, thanks for your correction about the 3 months visa, but really and truly, my post was not about that, the intricate delicacies of the time is not relevant, what is relevant is the category of visa your girl is applying for, visitor visa's where the sponsor is romantically involved with the applicant rarely results in a successful outcome, sometimes the applicant has sufficient savings and compelling reasons to return, but often the ECO decides against issuing.

    Either way, the visitor visa is not the best route, and our advice has been proved time and time again.

  21. #21
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Pete, I take onboard your comments about the visa system and acknowledge that there are some who abuse the system and overstay. However, the British government treating all genuine girlfriends as probable scammers does pose a difficult situation. It may be difficult for many men to make multiple trips to the RP to see their girlfriends/ fiancees prior to making a commitment to marry. If it was easier for the girlfriends to come over, spend time with their future life partner and, as you say, see British culture first then everyone can make a balanced judgement before getting married.
    In my situation, although my lady and I had a very intense online and telephone relationship, we had only spent two holidays together in the RP before she came to the UK on a fiancee visa. And because the visa ran from the date of the interview and not from the date she left the Philippines, we had to get married within 5 months. It all felt very rushed and although we have no regrets, we'd have liked to have had more time visiting each other and getting to know each other before getting married. Let's be honest, it's a major culture change for the wife and we guys have to get used to the lady's ways. That's one reason for forums like these, to find out these things.
    Surely if a sponsor provides a return ticket and some sort of guarantee then there should be no problem granting a girl a tourist visa.

  22. #22
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    A Fiancee Visa is for 6 months, that is THE TRIAL. If you don't know you can get on within 3 months, then split, and find one you will click with, and know instantly that'll you go on. It works like a light switch, the process is not a long list of check boxes you go through

    Won't be much of a culture shock unless the girl is like this...

    Keith - Administrator

  23. #23
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Now you are showing us your real root?
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  24. #24
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Won't be much of a culture shock unless the girl is like this...

    I think you'd have a massive shock if she had a penis like the one on the left!!!

  25. #25
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post

    I think you'd have a massive shock if she had a penis like the one on the left!!!

    Oh goohdness heavens above, how smashing!
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  26. #26
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
    I think you'd have a massive shock if she had a penis like the one on the left!!!
    ....and you were looking at it as part of your medical training of course
    Keith - Administrator

  27. #27
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    ....and you were looking at it as part of your medical training of course

  28. #28
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  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    ....and you were looking at it as part of your medical training of course

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