As unkind as it might sound, have you noticed that the majority of men that marry foreign women are not exactly what one would call 'a catch'. Those that I have known have been in some way socially incompetent (that's not necessarily a bad thing) and out of tune with either their bodies, their male counterparts, social situations or a combination of each of these; a marked lack of confidence being the general trait.Originally posted by admin@Mar 6 2006, 08:19 PM
Make a sentence......."on head nail the"
Perhaps, the warmth and less judgmental reception received from the first woman - who just happens to be from warmer climes - is their perceived only chance at happiness. Who cares that her motivations might be less than honourable - a free pass to the UK, for example.
Having lived in a country where I have seen women treat white men (however ugly or depraved) as gods, it is not incredulous to witness the union of low self esteem.
I know that this is a sweeping generalisation and there are confident, handsome, high achievers who have found their life partners in a foreign land and have made successful marriages. I also understand why some men would point-blank refuse to entertain a relationship with a British woman.
My main point is that in analysing this subject, the onus should not be concentrated on the women. Perhaps, more focus should be directed at the men - in particular those that actively seek women abroad - and what drives them to foreign love.