A Story about the love of a Filipina for her Western Husband.
Sometimes, it makes it all worthwhile, recently I booked a flight home for my dearest beloved, when she got home for work, she told me "Honey did you book the tickets for us ?" I said yes, the ticket is booked for you, but honey you know I should not go really, I need to stay behind and continue on with our business here"
"She said to me Why honey ? why are you not going ? all my explanations did not pacify her, when I told her, that it was better she went and had a nice holiday at EASTER and that really, this time of year, is a time when I can carry on working and make money for us.
My dearest and nearest cried, and told me "That if you are not going, then neither will I ?" "I dont want to go back to Philippines without you "
I thought, Why the crying ? why the emotion, you are going back on a nice holiday, go and enjoy it.
Still she cried, and pushed me to book to go with her, in the end, I told her, not to feel bad if I did not go, that I was happy she would go, and nothing sometimes will persuade her that she should go and have a nice holiday with school friends, family and acquaintances.
This story I wrote today to show just how loving and loyal a Filipino wife is to their husband, some people would just jump at the chance, and would nto worry too much about the husband.
Filipina's are so loving when it comes to these things, I have now persuaded her to go and enjoy herself with my blessings, but I kind of still affected by her crying...
What do you ladies think ? do you sometimes feel like this, how do you feel about going when husband is home in UK...
What are your thoughts on this.