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Thread: What makes British guys and Filipinas click?

  1. #1
    Member ms rae's Avatar
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    What makes British guys and Filipinas click?

    All these stories of two people finding each other - no matter how distant their worlds may be, sounds really romantic.

    Which brings me to ask: What makes British guys and Filipinas really click? Is it similarities in culture? Physical appearance? Philosophies in life? Lifestyle? Interests? Attitude?

    I hope you guys don't mind sharing your personal experiences... I've never really met or became close with any British guy myself so I'm just curious.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by ms rae View Post
    All these stories of two people finding each other - no matter how distant their worlds may be, sounds really romantic.

    Which brings me to ask: What makes British guys and Filipinas really click? Is it similarities in culture? Physical appearance? Philosophies in life? Lifestyle? Interests? Attitude?

    I hope you guys don't mind sharing your personal experiences... I've never really met or became close with any British guy myself so I'm just curious.
    for me its easy but this my feelings everyone else might have a different view
    1, i,am 41 my gf 25 that would,nt happen to me in england and it works well for me i,am young at hart and my gf likes an older man who cares about nice things in life not just beer drugs and fighting and when i was younger that was me
    2,philippino,s remind me of my youth, respect for elders, being polite, good manners things i wish i could see here but dont any more
    3, wealth, i have money she does,nt i,am 41 i dont need much so why not spend it on my true love
    4, god you philippino,s are good looking
    5, a true gentleman is a british man, if you dont belive me spend time with a yank or a aussie
    6, god you philippino,s are pretty
    and so on and so on it just works

  3. #3
    Member ms rae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rosstrtco View Post
    for me its easy but this my feelings everyone else might have a different view
    1, i,am 41 my gf 25 that would,nt happen to me in england and it works well for me i,am young at hart and my gf likes an older man who cares about nice things in life not just beer drugs and fighting and when i was younger that was me
    Young at heart is good. Guys who are too mature are no fun - that's just my opinion though.

    Quote Originally Posted by rosstrtco View Post
    2,philippino,s remind me of my youth, respect for elders, being polite, good manners things i wish i could see here but dont any more
    that's very touching.

    Quote Originally Posted by rosstrtco View Post
    3, wealth, i have money she does,nt i,am 41 i dont need much so why not spend it on my true love
    makes perfect sense to me!

    Quote Originally Posted by rosstrtco View Post
    4, god you philippino,s are good looking

    Quote Originally Posted by rosstrtco View Post
    5, a true gentleman is a british man, if you dont belive me spend time with a yank or a aussie
    wow, really?

    Quote Originally Posted by rosstrtco View Post
    6, god you philippino,s are pretty
    and so on and so on it just works

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I click with everyone....although it may be my arthritis
    Keith - Administrator

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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I click with everyone....although it may be my arthritis
    its like meeting ken dodd and stan boaredman in the same room

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    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    guys im not making in my own bank (ika nga)but this is my husband voice hehhee my husband said he is very lucky to have me coz evrything is perfect

  7. #7
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    An interesting subject today on the menu at Filipino UK Forum, what is that makes British Guys and the Filipina ...connect ?

    Do they have a chemistry ?

    I think we overestimate sometimes the power of race and culture, my experiences and listening to the Thai Girl/British Guy stories, lead me to believe its more to do with personal preferences, and not because a Filipino is by virtue of her nationality better than say a kana or Essex girl ?

    Those British men who pursue Filipina's or who pursue Thai girls tend to do it for reasons of personal preference, I have always said that men do not travel 6000 miles to south east asia simply to satisfy their sexual needs.

    I am totally convinced that men travel those distances because they truly do look forward to seeking the attentions of women who are small and petite in appearance, slightly darker skinned, jet black hair, and who display a pleasing and welcoming disposition.

    Some guys tell me, that Thai girls display a certain amount of body heat when they are in bed with them, is this to say that a British girl from the West Midlands, cannot also display the same body heat in bed when required to do so ?

    Who is to say ? this is only something that can be found out by the individual concerned who is attached to that person.

    The debate about whether Filipina's than foreigner women seems to continue despite the obvious contradiction. Have you noticed that the same men that are so adamant in Filipinoi women being better than their cold, fat, ugly Western counterparts are also the ones frustrated by the Filipino women being manipulative, “smiling assassins” who don’t return the genuine affection the men claim they give them?

    Yes, it’s true I am talking about a group of men and not a particular person. However, ask yourself if you believe that Filipina's are the “good ones” compared to foreigner or Western women? If so, do you also believe that Filipina's often cannot be trusted, are money hungry, and place you in second/third/fourth place compared to her family, and other Filipino's?

    Too often, the same guys that deride foreigner or Western women in preference of Filipina,s will simultaneously be cynical about Filipino women.

    While it may be a matter of degrees, many such dual advocates seem to operate as if each belief was only true independently while the other magically appears when it suits them!

    When angry at Western women, compare the sweet young Filipina to the foreigner feminazis.

    But When the Filipina girlfriend pisses you off, talk about their shortcomings compared to the Western educated females.

    In this debate, the men are often sex tourists and sexpats, but they can include men who date non-prostitute Filipino's as well.

    In the same fashion, most of the Filipina's involved seem to be bargirls, freelancers, or women that are engaging in relationships for money.

    However, it can and often does include “good Filipina's”, according to the men who post the stories, that some of us read at this forum.

    There is also another ongoing debate about whether a British guys relationship with a Filipina can work and if the odds are any worse than that with a Western or Foreign woman.

    I believe the answers to these two questions are actually intimately related. I don’t believe a relationship between a British guy and a Filipina can be “better”, though experience has shown it is clearly “different” than a relationship with a Western woman.

    It is the culture that makes a heterosexual love affair intrinsically different between a British male and Filipino female. (by culture, whether she is actually Filipino, Thai Chinese, or Thai Indian) and a Westerner in the personal dynamics. It is only the physical uniqueness that is affected by the genetic impact of race.

  8. #8
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    To take this further:

    It is this difference that makes a unique romantic experience with a Filipino woman so exciting for many British men.

    It is this uniqueness that makes many British men conclude that a Filipina is better BECAUSE they are so different than what these men have known all their lives in relationships with women.

    What would happen if a Filipino man, who experienced relationships with Filipina's all his life, suddenly experienced a relationship with a Western cultured woman? Well, it happens, and they seem just as obsessed with foreigner women for the same reasons…it’s the new and different romantic experience that gets them excited, not that the kana or the British girl is somehow better.

    Lets be frank about the whole thing, what is the British guy excited about ? is it time for some hard facts and truth about this discussion ?

    The British guy is excited by his unique cute babae and how much “better” he thinks she is compared to the boring British girl he’s been used to and built up a bunch of frustrations against over his life.

    What about the young Babae ?

    What is she happy about ?

    She is excited by this relatively wealthy, exotic, and educated Brit, who, by association, brings her attention, money, and status.

    I definitely believe that the odds are probably WORSE for a British guy who tries to undergo a relationship with a prostitute compared to a non-prostitute.

    While many arguments have been made for why Filipina bar girls are so much different from the hookers in the rest of the world, I don’t believe those are valid excuses. On the contrary, I’d think most would suspect those who make such arguments have huge personal desires to believe in such an exception, and that the arguments are not objectively founded.

    If you want to throw in culture, the odds are still worse for a relationship with a woman of any other race other than your own, especially if she is Filipino or Thai, compared to a British woman, simply because of the difficulties of intercultural relationships..

    The relationship between these two debates (the uniqueness, but not better, nature of Filipina's) does not improve the odds of a relationship with A Filipino. It just makes it different.

    If anything, a cross-cultural relationship increases risks, though it could be argued the excitement and potential complimentary nature of the intercultural interaction “could” result in a positive coupling.

    So what about the British guy and the makati bar girl ? or the Angeles city bar girl ?

    So when you strip out this cultural aspect (the British vs Filipino Culture), it is really a question of the odds of a relationship working out between a sex tourist and a hooker.

    At this point, I think the answer is obvious to most that the odds could only fall against a customer/hooker relationship when compared to a non-customer/non-hooker relationship.

    So then, strip out the cultural differences, strip out the fact that the British guy is not a sex tourist strip out the fact that his girl is not a bar girl or a prostitute, and what are you left with ??

    You simply end up with a British man, and a Filipino woman who are looking for one and the same thing and that is at the very least anemotional, if not physical, monogamy, once they’ve gotten emotionally attached to another person romantically.

    Another problem is that if it’s strictly a sexual exchange, the man will usually get tired of the girl in due course and move on.

    From experience, most men don’t stay with the same woman for purely sexual reasons (men want diversity in the long run). Men usually stay with the same woman for emotional reasons, including a desire to appease her need for security as his only romantic partner.

    For men that are new to this unique experience, it can be subjectively seen as “better”. The Filipino is found to be subjectively “better” than white women, for the men with an Asian or petite preference. I fall into the second category and being within a long term marriage to a Filipina find that being with her is more enjoyable than what I’ve felt with a British Girl.

    However, being with a British girl isn’t bad at all. I enjoyed it completely. It’s just that I liked the smaller, Filipina type bodies more. My preference for the Filipina is purely subjective.

    There is no quantitative or objective measure that makes a Filpina better than a British girl.

    In the end, though I like the softer attitude and more feminine personae of a Filipina.

    I know that it is just a different way for Asian women to seek their self-interests. I truly enjoy the sweet attitude of a Filipina (when she isn’t angry) and her sometimes attentive nature, but I see she is just as motivated as any British woman to build a career, make money, and take care of herself.

  9. #9
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    sorry lads but for a simple tradesman like myself i found that hard reading, but i do pay homage to your tip top threads,
    uk men + philippino,s, easy open your ears and eyes and look around you, lots of unhappy british men and women yes i now we all now someone very happy and married for nie on 40 years but like anything in this country come out with me for a few jars and see whats going on, all i want is for someone to love me, its not the fault of the british women its our culture.
    imagine life without your asian wife or gf then think of meeting an english woman to fill her shoes it aint going to happen
    one more thing educated western women, i,ve never met a western women as sharp as an asian these girls are on the ball they just dont let you find it out until its to late. dope on the rope nuff said lol

  10. #10
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    I think British men find Filipina's VERY attractive because they have family values, they are trustworthy, they are loving and fun to be with, they're reputation for being loyal warm and accomodating is very true in my experience, I don't think were likely to find that in an English girl, don't get me wrong there is some nice English girls of course there is, but I'd be lucky if I managed to marry one! Because Britain is a rich country I think we've been messed up by consumerism, probably including me! It's as if people don't value relationships anymore, people value their pocessions! Some English people are cold hearted and demanding, when I was in the Philippines I was astonished at how well behaved the children were! I also witnessed the famous Filipino smile! I think filipino's are good hearted people, sharing people, I think we can learn a lot from them, I know I want to!

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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    I think British men find Filipina's VERY attractive because they have family values, they are trustworthy, they are loving and fun to be with, they're reputation for being loyal warm and accomodating is very true in my experience, I don't think were likely to find that in an English girl, don't get me wrong there is some nice English girls of course there is, but I'd be lucky if I managed to marry one! Because Britain is a rich country I think we've been messed up by consumerism, probably including me! It's as if people don't value relationships anymore, people value their pocessions! Some English people are cold hearted and demanding, when I was in the Philippines I was astonished at how well behaved the children were! I also witnessed the famous Filipino smile! I think filipino's are good hearted people, sharing people, I think we can learn a lot from them, I know I want to!
    spot on mate

  12. #12
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I just like the way they polish helmets.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I just like the way they polish helmets.

    you always made me laugh on your qoute..

    anyhow thanks roostrtco for all the nice comments ...i cant add more flattering words, u said it all,to be fair most of english man i know 95% so far i have met online are really gentleman,if we said gentleman there was those "caring,polite,sweet,thoughful............loving...etc..etc" and my hubby said culture of filipino people + the rich english gentleman....what can u ask for == live happily ever after

  14. #14
    Respected Member Tiggers0608's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ms rae View Post
    All these stories of two people finding each other - no matter how distant their worlds may be, sounds really romantic.

    Which brings me to ask: What makes British guys and Filipinas really click? Is it similarities in culture? Physical appearance? Philosophies in life? Lifestyle? Interests? Attitude?

    I hope you guys don't mind sharing your personal experiences... I've never really met or became close with any British guy myself so I'm just curious.

    and they compliment each other

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    Interesting. I can only speak of my experience with Juliet (jedc143). We 'clicked' because of chemistry. We think alike and we instinctively know what each other is thinking. We make each other laugh. We connect... it's that simple.

    If I had to draw up my list of what makes a perfect woman.... she is it. The fact she is a Filipina is just one thing on my list.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    I think British men find Filipina's VERY attractive because they have family values, they are trustworthy, they are loving and fun to be with, they're reputation for being loyal warm and accomodating is very true in my experience, I don't think were likely to find that in an English girl, don't get me wrong there is some nice English girls of course there is, but I'd be lucky if I managed to marry one! Because Britain is a rich country I think we've been messed up by consumerism, probably including me! It's as if people don't value relationships anymore, people value their pocessions! Some English people are cold hearted and demanding, when I was in the Philippines I was astonished at how well behaved the children were! I also witnessed the famous Filipino smile! I think filipino's are good hearted people, sharing people, I think we can learn a lot from them, I know I want to!
    As a general, subjective viewpoint, I wholly endorse Nigel's comment here.


  17. #17
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    opening my luggage when arriving in UK last week and finding seveal small reminders of our life together concealed in various places, made me realise just how thoughtful my mahal is, it is like she can read my mind, and of course the killer smile and hair help. Care, repect for elders, strong family values, hard working and faithful. I just wish she would speak up more if I unwittingly upset her over something(not often and usually something I thought was no big deal but was much bigger for her). This is I find a common fault us Brits have with our filipinas and is normally us forgetting the cultural or societal differences we have with our better halves. I am sure you all have experienced the 24 hour sulk and the "nothing" answer when we enquire what is wrong.
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  18. #18
    Respected Member Les_lady888's Avatar
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    I am sure you all have experienced the 24 hour sulk and the "nothing" answer when we enquire what is wrong.

    the 24-hour sulk?! LOL....Pinays are good at that hahaha!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
    I am sure you all have experienced the 24 hour sulk and the "nothing" answer when we enquire what is wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by Les_lady888 View Post
    the 24-hour sulk?! LOL....Pinays are good at that hahaha!
    i guess that's the first reason..

  20. #20
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    The killer smile, the long jet black hair, super soft skin, these are just extras, nice extras but still just cream on the cake, the cake is made from the very best ingredients such as thoughtfulness, deep family values, self respect, hard work and a strong faith. Add courage and loyalty and you have a great cake!!!. I am sure my mahal will not like me calling her a lovely self indulgent treat but being with her is better than being locked in the kiplings factory, mmmmmmm, yummy.

    As an example of her thoughtfulness, I arrived in Bham last week and during unpacking came across various little reminders of our time together secreted into all sorts of places including photos, momentos and even a piece of my favourite polvoron.
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  21. #21
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomm View Post
    We 'clicked' because of chemistry.
    You make bombs?
    Keith - Administrator

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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You make bombs?
    Keith, ......

  23. #23
    Respected Member Gie's Avatar
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    When a Pinay says nothing is wrong, it means everything is wrong! lolzz
    "Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same."

  24. #24
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    All these stories of two people finding each other

    oh, maybe this should be a new thread ...

    many years ago, must be nearly 8 yrs ago now, nope i lie, its more, i use to use ICQ alot, i had 100s of contacts in my list from all over the world..

    oneday i got a random message of a gal in some country called the philippines, we chatted for a bit, then we added each other to our contact lists, maybe once or every 2 wks we chat about nothing really for half an hour, oh i knew she married married, so there was no of that going on, and i wasn't looking for anoyone anyway ,

    oneday i saw her online, and sent her a msg, and a got a reply, saying it wasn't her, but it was her sister, and her sister had left icq logged in, on the computer at uni, and she was using the computer to do some work for her mom,and did i want to chat to her... well little did i know i would be sat at the pc nearly every sat and sunday for 10 hours a time for years ... the rest is history

    i've still not forgiven her sister

  25. #25
    Respected Member katie37pinayuk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ms rae View Post
    All these stories of two people finding each other - no matter how distant their worlds may be, sounds really romantic.

    Which brings me to ask: What makes British guys and Filipinas really click? Is it similarities in culture? Physical appearance? Philosophies in life? Lifestyle? Interests? Attitude?

    I hope you guys don't mind sharing your personal experiences... I've never really met or became close with any British guy myself so I'm just curious.
    oh i like this topic...i believe in love so much that i am loveless lolz. british guys are interesting and many of them are real honest, although maybe i have not found a partner to make good chemistry with so no bombs yet... although in the uni, i have learnt opposites poles attract, that is why maybe.. wish i could share a fairy tale of endless love

  26. #26
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Strange one that Joe....I was talking to the wife's friend on AOL for a few weeks, seen an address in Singapore of some girl, and just wrote to her....didn't have a pic or I have a life sentence
    Keith - Administrator

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Strange one that Joe....I was talking to the wife's friend on AOL for a few weeks, seen an address in Singapore of some girl, and just wrote to her....didn't have a pic or I have a life sentence
    i know what you mean , your alright thou, i don't have the money to even send her back thou . poor dog, its always hiding under the table when shes about

    but i'm moaning at her to get a full time job and do her exam's , so bit of luck , me and the dog will get a bit of peace and quiet soon

    most british guys are honest, you've not meet a scouser thou have you

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    I'm just off to Tombstone.....gonna kill me some gun slingers
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  29. #29
    Respected Member katie37pinayuk's Avatar
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    most british guys are honest, you've not meet a scouser thou have you [/QUOTE]

    i had to look up in the dictionary what scouser means - it just said someone from liverpool. thought what is bad about it! and an english friend told me it could refer to trouble and crooks. guess met some

  30. #30
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    I think a lot of it is just down to personal preference. I knew that I found oriental women incredibly attractive for many years. Even my English ex-wife knew that and it was probably no surprise that I eventually married someone from the East.
    I was not aware of the stereotyping that Filipinas are "loyal, caring, looking for older man, etc etc" when I met my girl online. I think she just had a preference for westerners whereas her three sisters show no such preference.
    I find some of Filipina-Westerner relationships very strange especially when you see 60+ white guys with 21 yr old Filipinas and it makes you wonder if there's genuine love there or just mutual satisfaction in some regard- sex for the guy and money/ security for the girl.
    I know my wife and I have genuine love for each other and it seems less relevant about our ethnic differences than it does for others who still may make the odd joke about "mail order brides" or "internet dating".
    Perhaps it is wrong to generalize and I for one know guys who have a preference for black women or European women so there are plenty of people making free choices about what partners they prefer no matter where they are from.

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