Just heard from Mel... she had the interview today... and now has the fiancee visa!!! Oh... I can't believe it! She has it!! I'm too excited to say anything coherent at the moment! I'll fill you in on the details once I get to know them... just been talking on Chikka for now. All I know is that without this forum, we would not have got the visa... thanks to everyone who has helped and been supportive these past few weeks. Weeks? Seems like an eternity! But we're there!

Oh.. now what's the best way to get her over here? I want to go back there to be with her for the CFO stuff, then get tickets out of there, hopefully Cebu to Manchester. Still a lot to sort out, I guess... but.. WE HAVE THE VISA!!!

Thanks again, especially to Pete of course, without whom none of this would have been possible. Oh.. I'm going... before this turns into an Oscar speech!
