hello all....here I am again....I did all the search here but it seems I wasn't able to find one answer that suits enough...it is not my problem anyway .....it's a friend of mine....here is the situation

My friend used her father surname which is her parents never been married although living together until now..or lets just say she was born out of wedlock. She has a bf from UK and plan to get married here in phils a month around April this year only as a civil wed..She wonder if its gonna be the problem since she was using her fathers surname all through out her life...it was on her birth certicate the same...She wants to know and ask some pieces of advice but seems I myself also can't assure her the right answer....

And also if in later case if possible she got to have a successful wedding with no hassles....right after then she and her bf plan to apply for a visa soon as spouse visa settlement....Don't you think she has no problem dealing those stuff if what if she ask to provide a marriage certificate of her parents? when applying the visa do the embassy will goin to ask her to provide her birth or if its gonna be the problem then ? she badly need to have your advice..thank you ...