Woaaaaaaaaaa! Yesterday I officially became Mrs. Mistlin. It was wonderful...good food, good music, great people and of course a wonderful husband. Everything a bride could wish for
. Today, I am taking this opportunity to thank everybody in the forum for helping us achieve our dream, the dream of becoming one and sharing a lifetime together. Keith, you're an angel for creating this forum. And I am thanking the forum members who made it to the ceremony and stayed with us at the reception til the last drop of wine and the last piece of music was played. To Annilyn and Paul aka Silvers who came all the way from Birmingham (I love you guys for doing that and thanks for letting me borrow the veil). To Pretty_d30 aka Joy and Julian from Eastbourne (you both know I how much you mean to me too!), and to my Darling Hanna and Stuart aka Stu3UK. To Mark and Maria who were party hardcores and stayed with me til the wee hours (i had to kick them out of the door to make them leave
). Thank you so much guys and again to all the forum members who've been very supportive. I won't write all the names but you know who you are...all of you good people, Trev and I are so blessed to have you here. More power Keith, this forum ROCCCKKKKSSSS! We're off to The Lake District soon, brrrrrrrrr.