In the UK your entitled to register to a doctors surgery, not sure about Dentists. Emgency NHS health care such as A and E would be avaiable.Originally posted by Eljohno@Mar 8 2006, 08:09 PM
Hi Guys,
Please forgive me if this subject has been touched upon or is somewhere else here in the forum.
My question is this, when the British man gets married to a filipina and she comes here to live do they have the same rights as 2 people who have always lived in the uk?
I mean things like-Dental work, Doctors, working family tax credit and any Govenment help where needed..
Thanks for your help in advance!!
Working Familt tax credits i think you can't claim for, im not an expert on this matter maybe others can correct me. But i have for example heard that a british person married to a non british resident can claim for a child but not their partner. If that makes sense.