Well, this is my first visit to the site for a few months.

Ruby and I arrived safely back in Phils on December 2.

Our wedding is set for February 23, at 10am, in the Catholic Church (Our Lady of the Assumption) at Asuncion, Davao del Norte. Friends from this site who are able to get there will be welcome.

We have been rather busy since before leaving UK - the house and cars in UK were sold, most possessions packed and despatched (some by air, some by sea).

Activities here have involved purchasing first a motorbike, then a car, a house (well, two, actually) in a 900 sq.m. lot in Tagum, and now a beach.

We've taken delivery of both shipments from the UK.

I went to 'convert' my UK driver's licence to a Filipino one - I was expecting to fill some forms, and hand over some cash. On the day, I was required to take a written exam and a practical test, all without warning or preparation. I was pleased to come away at the end of the day with my shiney new license!

We have also added a Persian cat and a white rabbit to our household.

Life here seems pretty good!

Perhaps I'll have more time to post after the wedding.