Hi Lady J,
Thank you very much for taking the time to reply to those points, I'll follow them up and see what develops.
Will post any updates as and when.
thanks again....
Hi Lady J,
Thank you very much for taking the time to reply to those points, I'll follow them up and see what develops.
Will post any updates as and when.
thanks again....
can i ask, whos been looking after her kids for the last 3 years? and do they have any contact with their dad ??
Hi Joe Bloggs,
The kids have been looked after by girlfriend's mother and two of girlfriend's sisters. The father rarely makes contact although all are on speaking terms. I believe the father is currently working away on a cruise ship.
The father has not contributed financally to the kids upbringing, only girlfriend has.
The kids are schooled 'privately' too - paid by girlfriend .
Thanks for any advice..
well thats good, if your g/f has evidence, money transfers to her mom?
i've read some reallythreads, not with filipinos but thai's who have had visa's refused on the grounds of "sole responsibility"... so get as much evidence as you can, so they will not refuse it first time.
bit different for me, stepson was 17, but still my wife got his father in america to write a letter stating he was happy for his son to be with his sister and mother in the uk and also a copy of his passport, i sent evidence that we had been sending money to his aunt,as she was looking after him, he was in his final years at school thats why he didn't come with his mom, pnb money transfer receipts, also we stated that when my wife applied for a spouse visa, that we stated we wanted her son to come and live with us when she was settled.
so try to get a letter off their bio dad, money transfer etc,
Thanks for the info.
It might be that girlfriend will need a written authority from the father - depending on the final outcome of the annulment and whether or not she is legally granted sole responsibility of the kids....if she does need an agreement from him, I think it is very questionable as to whether or not he'll agree as I am in the picture.
I know that he appears to change his mind and attitude about his previous behaviour and relationship with girlfriend ....and it appears to happen when something he doesn't favour is occuring. He does know about me and I'm sure he's not stupid (or at least he has some common sense anyway..)
girlfriend is very worried that if she discloses the relationship she has with me (especially that she and I are living together) to the children - particularly the eldest, the father will react adversley and could cause a fuss, potentially upsetting the legal process.
I am wondering if you had a similar situation with the bio father of your step son? I appreciate that is a personal matter and I understand if you prefer not to comment.
The money transfer does exist - it's done through third party, I'll speak to girlfriend about getting some copy papers from them, it will show in the bank statements too but I really want to cross the t's and dot the i's for this matter.
thanks again...do you guys from this site arrange a meet every so often?
hi joeblogg ive just read your reply to tim36uk, i have almost the same problem, i hope i could ask for your help too, im a single mum i have one daughter she 6 yrs old turning 7 next month, she was aknowledge by her bio. dad in her b-cert, and sending money for my daughters expenses sometimes thru her sister, its was only last year of nov. when he ask me to open a bank account for my daughter which i did, but unfortunately we rarely in contact and my daughter never seen his dad except when my daughter was only 11 months old, since my daughter never seen his bio dad. my problem is i met a british bf, last dec. and he is planning to get us to uk as fiance, we are now trying to complete all the document that we will need but i want my daughter to come with me at the same time will it be possible for me and my daughter, without the consent of my daughter's bio dad. thanks pls help me... dyer4914![]()
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