Having a property only goes to show you can provide your wife with somewhere to live, but you indicate having no savings ? is this true ? if so, you will not be able to prove you can support your wife in the UK, be careful with this, if you cannot show a means of support, you may find your spouse visa for your wife is declined.

You must have a regular income to support your wife and unborn child in the UK, and technically you must be presently settled in the UK, it also appears that you may not meet the residency requirements, and if that is the case, you might also have a problem there.

3rd party financial support is not valid for sponsors of visa applicants, no matter what others say, the rules are clear, the sponsor must be able to support the applicant without recourse to public funds.

Best of Luck, and I hope it works out for you.

You could always wait 6 months, get yourself back to UK, take a job, have 3 months pay statements, and then let your wife re-apply showing your new pay slips and evidence of your home ownership.

I guarantee your application will 99 per cent be accepted, and your wife will join you shortly, 6 months is not a long time, its a blip actually, (dont worry i am not asking you to do something I have not done myself) in fact its exactly what I had to do.

You can then apply for your wife and new born baby to join you, they will be 99 per cent given a visa to come to UK.

But then again....we give advice,...its not always taken...

Its your life...take care.