Thanks for the above info.
Is there a problem on this site? This my third attempt to post a reply on the two previous internet explorer hung.
I dont use it myself I prefer firefox but cause Im in a net cafe here in Cebu I have no choice.
I myself tried to book a wedding in a registry office in Hertforshire and was refused pointblank because my "fiance is not in the UK yet and so it is illegal to make a booking"
So what can I do? This sounds like a classic "catch 22". I cant get her to the UK without booking and I cant book until she is there!!!!
Heres a quote from the UK site:
"Evidence of marriage arrangements
Of itself, a booking at a Registry Office or church is not proof that a marriage will take place.
The law relating to marriage in England and Wales does not allow for any arrangements to be made with a Registrar until the foreign national has arrived in the UK."
And here is the URL:
I want to get my fiance to the UK ASAP and the situation regarding decree absolute seems to be a bummer. I have decree nisa now and decree absolute will be on the 5th April. So we will have it by the time she is interviewed. Surely this cant be a problem?
Something else that worries me is that we met on filipinahearts. The rules dont seem to prohibit this but the interview transcript here tells a different story. Can eanyone help about this?
Is it a problem if the girl is actually looking for a foregin husband?
This is driving me nuts.