Hello all.

I'm currently applying for a visa with my fiancee and am stuck at a certain point on the website.

In section 6 - about your sponsor, the website asks
"When and where did you marry/enter into a civil partnership"
"Location of the ceremony"
"Date of Marriage"
"Is/was this an arranged marriage"

As we are not married, I'm unsure how to answer it.

The help on the page allows for the fact that we are not yet married by asking us to state that, but the date box is a required field and we can not put in our proposed marriage date, as the it only allows for past dates to be entered.

Secondly, this may or may not be important, I'm currently in Manila and my luggage has gone astray (Damm you KLM!!!) in it was my tennancy agreement and other bulky documents the majority of which can be replicated as they were created on my PC, I do have an original letter from my landlord stating that its ok for my fiancee to move in with me, and that the rent has been paid on time and for a year in advance. Will this be enough do you think, or should I hang fire and put the application in, on a future visit.

thanks in advance for any guidance