Hello, Feb 2005 I had a holiday in Philippines. During my time I met Lorly, a nice simple girl from Roxas (capital of Capiz). I went to her province and met her family and we had a fantastic time together, and also in Boracay.

I flew home to London and kept in touch. At first I was keen to get into something serious but then realised it was probably because I had such a good time. We kept in touch, aminly by text, as time went by I started to feel stronger feelings towards Lorly.

She is always in a light happy jovial mood, even when I know things are't good at home. To cut a long story short I've been to Philippines several times and met quite a few nice ladies, they're all nice, they're all special but I realise that Lorly would be very suitable for me, and I want to marry her, and bring her back to London.

We have some photos, some emails, some reciepts from western union, but that's about it, to be honest I wasn't expecting this relationship to come this far but that's life.

Now I need some serious help to get me started on what will probably be a long painful process. Any tips? I.e. Is it better that I go there and marry her or is it easier that she gets a finacee visa from there to come to UK?

Also anyone know of a good visa attorney? Regards - Tony