Ok, we've all done it at sometime, but now our glorious Government proposes this:
Data Protection? Privacy Laws? Human Rights?
Ok, we've all done it at sometime, but now our glorious Government proposes this:
Data Protection? Privacy Laws? Human Rights?
Hmmm! Well, speaking as someone who has never downloaded illegally - has someone got a place where I can hide?????
BTW - anyone want some new albums?
P.S. I'm sure millions will fill in the questionnaire thingy at the end.
i'm sure this is the same policy as used be the french gov...
how do they know what your downloading is illegal
most torrents are zipped anyway, just start wrapping your zips inside a p/w zip called noneofyourbiz1.zip![]()
But it will the responsibilty of the ISP who already have software to know what you are doing.
Law officials obviously do not keep up with technology, yes it is possible to discover if you are downloading a movie, they can read the information in the packet, and also the port number can give it away (Zip file contents can be figured out with software). However, the hackers are always one step ahead, most download software should be able to send encrypted packets, and use random ports. In fact you should be using this now.
Keith - Administrator
But as you say the isp will still see from the amount of data you are downloading somethings up.
Already the law makers are putting the emphasis on the isps as like you say they know the tehnology. So if they allow it, well lets just say their shareholders will not be happy with massive fines and the right to operate being taken away.
This is also the reason why you should keep any wireless network secure, if someone gains access and downloads or uploads content which is ilegal for whatever reason you will be responsible unless you can prove otherwise.
The size of downloads is irrelevant, the industry needs to prove WHAT you are downloading, not what you might be. If you are using encrypted random ports they won't know.
As for size, I download over 1GB encrypted a day just backing up my servers, would that mean 30GB of movies a month? Nope.
Keith - Administrator
how are they going to know what you've downloaded is illegal ? are they going to download a mirror copy, who's going to decide wether its illegal or not, who's going to check the copyright on it ? , who going to pay for the extra staff ?
its' madness !!! they are opening up a can of worms.., they be bogged down in no time,
Anyway, we just buy our copies for £1 on the Liverpool Dock Road, or Manchester market![]()
Keith - Administrator
you didn't even need to goto the market, not far from me, the cheeky monkeys had a garage, and stuck on the walls was the latest dvd's, they even had BOGOF !!!, its gone now, but they were there for many years
and home of one of the norths biggest computer shows, years ago 100's of them use to sell their wares on the fields outside, even the cops use to buy cds from there, my bros g/f, her brother is a plod, and he use to buy them from there and sell them to the cops in the station
anyway, its been going on since the vhs recorder, amiga,c64, snes/megadrive and they not going to stop it now or ever..
music industry claim they lost £400 million
sure, i hardly ever download mp3's ,, and if i couldn't easily, i wouldn't buy it anyway.. how can they lose £400m they never had ? oh i lost the lottery more than once
i could have been a millionaire
Then we shall hide the movies within terror manuals....sorted![]()
Keith - Administrator
Don't worry... that's all i will need to day.
And they persist, now they want sanctions against ISP's
For once, Europe has got it right; ISP's are just conduits, so enforcing these proposals is a bit like monitoring every vehicle on the M5 and stopping all red BMW's from using it in case the driver is a murderer or something like that.
Have a read... i work with Dave who wrote this..
its good the gov have given us a year to sort out file sharing
i mean i've been trying for years to sort me files out
looks like the 3 strikes and your out , is out thou
pitty the gov don't apply that to themselfs..![]()
Its obvious to all that the UK broadband infrastructure is not set up to cope with current and future demand generated by the likes of BBC iplayer or You Tube.
I often hear stories on the net and in the local community of people with 2mb or up to 8mb connections but getting only sometimes dial up speed. A mate of mine is on Pipex and he's had poor speeds for months, and he's about to take them to small claims court for failing to provide the advertised service. Of course the script monkeys at Pipex blame everyone and everything but themselves, but we all know the truth.
I use an enta.net reseller Aquiss as my ISP, I pay £24.99 a month, a lot of money for a broadband connection, BUT I do get guaranteed decent up to 8mb speeds 24/7 on a managed service and if I get a problem, I can call them any time and I will get a human being with a brain on the phone who will always do their utmost to solve the problem rather than pass the buck as most other larger ISP's do.
Actually Rob, the world's internet system is near breaking point, you can't blame the ISP's, as you point out, they are just the conduit. They do not control the main nodes, they are all run by the major networking companies.
Around 80% of all available bandwidth in the world is now used for downloads of large files & streaming video, the hardware was not built to cope with that much.
The worlds hardware needs upgrading but that will take years, so it is up to the software engineers to devise ways, and they are currently working on P2P for things like iplayer, etc, which will spread the load more evenly.
As for your mate, it says in the T&C you may not get the full whack, and as he'll be sharing with 50 other folk, all downloading, hard luck. You do get what you pay for, tell him to pay more for a 20:1 or 10:1. An no one gets 8 mbps on a 8 mbps line.
I'm on 20:1 and this can sometimes drop to 2.5 mbps during the week days, other times it is probably 1:1 as no business to share it with out in the sticks during other times.![]()
Keith - Administrator
Its a mess for sure and bts answer for the increased broadband usage called the 21cn. Looks like a fiasco to me and it might cause chaos on the phone networks if they really cock it up, from what i have read and heard the roll out and co operation with isps is not what it should be.
So we might go backwards before we go forwards.
BT is switching ALL phone calls to VOIP over the next 2-3 years![]()
Keith - Administrator
Yes I am fully aware of that, and he's not expecting full whack either, but on the other hand he didn't sign up for a narrowband deal. He stuck on sub 56K speeds for the last few weeks (at all times of day, weekdays or weekends, and NO, its not his computer, his router, his micro filters, his Xmas lights...), and that speed will sometimes peak at maybe ISDN speeds of 128K, so no, its not good enough, and its not hard luck either, its the ISP's bad management of network traffic, of which Tiscali are guilty.
Just look at the vast amount of evidence at ThinkBroadband forums.
Because I live close to the local exchange, I sync at 8.1mb, but quite rightly, I wont always get that speed, sometimes it drops to 2.8mb, but on average its 5-6mb, I'm happy with that, but then I pay a bit extra to get a "managed" broadband connection.
Sounds like it
goona take a while and 2-3 years time if they complete it in time we might have some really data draining gizmos about which will make it already outdated.
From what i have read both chanel four and the bbc i player (not used it since i signed up for the beta testing and was not impressed)
Both use a form of p2p i think its VeriSign's Kontiki Broadband Delivery Service. This will then cane your upload and download speed which if your monthly allowance is low may mean you get cut off or charged more for exceeding it.
Guess what our friends the ISPs (well many of them) particularly now they have to cut back on p2p many will automatically start with Packet shaping operating on many isps (not all im told) reduce the download and upload speedas they think hello p2p must be a priate
In countries like south korea broiadband is treated as someting important like electricty, water and gas not as a toy. What with schools im heard soon to insist on a broadband connection at home, a minster needs to start formulating a proper plan not hoping it works out![]()
Lucky bugger...
I keep getting some berd in Bombay that reads to me from the instruction leaflet that comes with the router...
I already have that in front of me.........
And I get addled at the best of times, andoff...
So I get my lad out of his house, come over here, and tell him to sort it out, After all he picked this crappy service. This "option 1" I got is the pits... The money I pay them, is good , tho........![]()
tiscali capped me for a while til i told them to
they will never stop people copying films, games, etc, if they do manage to stop it thru p2p, peeps will go back to the old ways of renting a film and copying it, buying them from chinese guys in city centres, and games/utils dvd's like blobbies and tango's will make a come back. i think the legendary blobby cd got to at least number 67+ if i remember
if it comes to it i'll stick my usb wifi adapter on the top of the house see how many unsecure routers i can connect to![]()
The problem is not that the internet backbones cannot cope its that most ISP's don't charge for the usage on the network.
As you might know i work for an ISP and i have known more than one customer being contacted to be given their MAC. All ISP's have an AUP it's just that some enforce it and the ones that don't cannot provide a good QOS.
I have a Sky connection (VIA BT IPStream) and i also have a PlusNet connection (via RIN and PN) if i want to leech i can use RIN but if i want to use VOIP i need quality then i use a managed network (PN). Sky is not managed and its great to leech though suffers for peak time slow down and no QOS Management so i never use voip on it. As soon my year is up i will be moving to another PlusNet connection.
If you read though the link i posted before its not that the UK network cannot cope its that the local cost for bandwidth within the UK is so high, peering is great though its the bandwidth cost.
I don't know which ISP you work for, but I've not heard anything good about Pipex for a long time, and it seems Tiscali buying the company has only made things worse.
Aquiss have a good AUP policy, if you go over your limit, you will be charged at £1 per additional giga plus an admin charge of £5 (this I believe is standard entanet polcy anyway).
But as other contributors to this thread have stated, you pay less, you get less.
Yes it is http://www.ecademy.com/node.php?id=94680
Google even ran software last October to dump millions of pages, as it was short of storage. The complete internet hardare needs to be upgraded, but they don't really have anything to upgrade it to!!
Keith - Administrator
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