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Thread: PNB Europe London - Too tight to send out Passbook

  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    PNB Europe London - Too tight to send out Passbook

    PNB Europe - The Tightest ever !

    Some of you have probably had some dealings with Philippine National Bank Europe in Queen Victoria street London, I remember a post by one of you a few weeks ago, telling us, that they went to the Notting Hill Gate branch, and said the staff were more or less disinterested in helping.

    That was our experience too ! a couple of weeks ago, Miss Gina used a day off of her work holiday to pop along to London and go and open a passbook account direct in the branch in London.

    Her observations to me, was a marked contrast between the customer service offered by Barclays Bank, when I took her down to open a new account, she was visibly impressed with Barclays customer account opening service.

    However PNB Europe, did not look too good in that area, after taking over an hour to sort out a passbook account for the Philippines, she got a phone call about a week later, asking for her marriage certificate showing her married name.

    She had already given these details on the day, and now just on Friday, we received a phone call from PNB new accounts department, asking for a stamped addressed envelope so that they could send out the passbook.

    Are PNB Europe tight or what ?

    They cannot even afford a stamp to stick on an envelope and send it out, it would cost about 32p, so we sent them a pre paid special delivery envelope and I am sure we will get it in due course.

    Tight, Cheap, useless, &***W£*£(£(@)@)@)@*£ !!

  2. #2
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Know what you mean Pete.

    I went to PNB in QV Street in December to transact some business. Was waiting about 40 mins. and the ONE counter clerk was still dealing with the people she had been dealing with when I entered the bank!!!

    Also, there were another 3 customers before me.

    PLENTY of staff in the background doing - well - whatever.

    Walked out - got the train back home and did rather a lot of cursing.


  3. #3
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    Its just a shame HSBC don't have more branches in the Philippines, as the level of service we've had from HSBC Philippines is on a par with the level of service we have with HSBC in the UK.

    Elsa and I have also experienced the likes of Metrobank (Elsa calls it B******ks bank ) and PCI and I'm always shocked at how poor customer service time we went into PCI to deposit some money for Tatay, and all we saw were customers everywhere, and no staff to be seen (they were in the back room talking and texting of course).

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    That was me Pete we have had a few more run ins where the Wife had to write emails to complain of the complete mess they made of transactions to her brother, opening the wrong account and not knowing the services and products they sell.
    I have encountered the can i help you sir? oh no you need to stand in the other queue which makes me laugh as this other counter clerk just sat and walked around while two customers just stood there.
    Considering what was being inputed into the PC (im sure all the pc's can perform the same services) i would be pretty confident if they wrote down any passes or internal account codes i could have performed the transaction hardly rocket science.

    I would write and complain to the customer service manager he should know what a poor service they show. I think i saw a while back Equitable PCI or one of the other main banks was opening in the UK (it was in one of the free phill papers and there was a website but it was still under construction when i visted)

    Maybe if they get competion they might buck up there ideas, as the rate is less favourable for the remitter and account holder in the UK they might find they have to improve the service or see people move on and take the business else where.

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