Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
But it will the responsibilty of the ISP who already have software to know what you are doing.

Law officials obviously do not keep up with technology, yes it is possible to discover if you are downloading a movie, they can read the information in the packet, and also the port number can give it away (Zip file contents can be figured out with software). However, the hackers are always one step ahead, most download software should be able to send encrypted packets, and use random ports. In fact you should be using this now.

But as you say the isp will still see from the amount of data you are downloading somethings up.

Already the law makers are putting the emphasis on the isps as like you say they know the tehnology. So if they allow it, well lets just say their shareholders will not be happy with massive fines and the right to operate being taken away.

This is also the reason why you should keep any wireless network secure, if someone gains access and downloads or uploads content which is ilegal for whatever reason you will be responsible unless you can prove otherwise.