Quote Originally Posted by RHB View Post
rather more than 10-1 ratio I guess.
I must have hit jackpot then....

After meeting my, now, wife for the first time, and having spent blissful 10 days in cebu with her, I returned home.
Not even two weeks after my return, I receive a text from her, asking for help as her father had suffered a stroke and needed hospital care. She asked for a small financial contribution towards the expenses, but if I couldn't, I was not to worry about it....
I was absolutely smitten with Jet, and wanted to help, I did not doubt for a minute that she was telling the truth. My only problem was on how to get the money there asap. Then I remembered meeting a yank at the hotel, a member of the old ASAWA. we did have a few SM together, and our girls got on very well sharing some sweet sticky ice cream looking stuff, and I still had his YM addy. So I got in touch and paypalled his account with a couple hundred quid. Within a few hours they got in touch with Jet, and found her with the rest of the family at the hospital bedside.
After that, I went back again. Gave her a pc, got her a homephone line in and Broadband.
All she ever asked me in all the months since, was just the money to pay for those services.
Anything else I gave them, was because I wanted to.
Her dad, after recuperating, gave Jet a rollicking for asking me for the pc, then apologized to her after I told him that she never did. The whole bunch, are a proud lot, that little they have, they have worked for it, and it ain't much by anybody's standards.

So you cannot tar all Filipinas with the same brush, mate.

Hold on..... Jet first payday today... and she's not back home yet.........