good idea there, since I live in the Philippines I do see this phenomena every day. I am not intending to paint all filipinas as money grabbers, but there are many here just waiting their chance for a ticket out, and they don't care how they do it. If anyone says you shouldn't be cautious when considering the Asian girlfriend or bride, it would be bad counsil.
The I cafes are full of young girls chatting away to several foreign boy friends at one time. Once you live here you get the real picture. not that I can blame the girls, many who come from extreme poverty, move to the city, and see the other side.
The scammers are not the ones simply looking for a mate. The scammers are intent on extracting money from foreigners. I have seen it too many times to count living here.
There is at least one place here even in our small town that has employed girls round the clock chatting on line with the intent of getting money sent to them. the "employers" give them a small percentage. So they are being exploited themselves.
I am very happy to have a beutiful Filipina wife here, and I am equally happy for you guys who have "hit the jackpot". We are the fortunate ones.
But my wife will be the first to agree with me on this. The Philippines is not the UK, Philippine culture differs significantly from the UK. You may think you know people, but you have to be careful.
My one in ten is obviously an anectdotal observation, but it is probably a conservative estimate. But then it depends on what your willing to accept and looking for. Of course if you have an adequate disposable income, bring your wife back to the UK and don't mind trading Gucci bags for loyalty, that's entirely your bussiness. If your a pedophile or are looking for a simple slave, or father daughter relationship, then OK. You can find a simple girl and play pygmalion. but to find a woman to be a loving wife and equal partner is a little more difficult.
Your living in a dream world if you don't know how most Philippinos regard foreigners. It takes time to get to know the upstanding citizens here, they will hold you at arms length until you prove yourself. However once you gain the respect from the local community, you will have loyal friends for life. Its the ones that don't do that you need to be cautious of. You can criticize me if you like, but I'm only speaking from living here for some years now in a small town with a large expat community.
and a scam is a scam![]()