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Thread: hello

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
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    Visa for Belfast

    Quote Originally Posted by vinmer View Post
    Hello everyone!! My name is Kevin and I live in the UK. I have a Philippina girlfriend for the past 5 months. I have been told that this is a very good site and that everyone is very friendly and helpful. I am inviting her to my country for a holiday holiday and then I hope to visit her and her family in the Philippines. She is concerned about the tourist visa and as we have no experience of these matters, can anyone advise if there would be any problems with a tourist visa application?
    My girlfriend tried to get a UK tourist visa and then an Irish tourist Visa which were refused on both counts because they were not convinced she would return to the Philippines. I got fed up and flew out and met her and her family for a short holiday. I am now going to visit again and also we are going to apply for a fiance visa. I think other people have already advised that this is the best way to get her over here for a gander.(I am in Belfast also).
    I am trying to contact anyone who has done similar for best advice for necessary paperwork. I think I have gathered most of the items required, however I need to be sure as we only get one shot at it probably.(If anyone out there has done the same, any advice would be appreciated. form VAF1? plus the items mentioned in the following link??
    Good Luck,

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
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    Hello Jake, good to hear from you, sorry I havent posted for a while. We are giving the tourist visa a try first although it seems a bit of a longshot. Failing that, it seems that I will follow the same course as yourself and go to the Philippines. Hope to hear from you again.

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