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Thread: why don't the gov go and £$£$£$

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    why don't the gov go and £$£$£$

    linked to my previous post of paying a immigration tax, and possibilty of extending it to 2 years after getting ILR before you could apply for citizenship..

    this is really taking the

    why don't the gov throw out the illegal immigrants and stop those who are here legally. why don't they spend the time investigating themself and the backhanders they pay to members of thier families, talk about scams and rip offs

    more increase in visa fees, more tests

    sooner i can go and live in the phils the better

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    sooner i can go and live in the phils the better
    Yep, me too.

    According to Radio 5, 200,000 British passport holders left the UK last year.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Yep, me too.

    According to Radio 5, 200,000 British passport holders left the UK last year.
    I was wondering why no bugger speaks spanish in Tenerife..........

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    linked to my previous post of paying a immigration tax, and possibilty of extending it to 2 years after getting ILR before you could apply for citizenship..

    this is really taking the

    why don't the gov throw out the illegal immigrants and stop those who are here legally. why don't they spend the time investigating themself and the backhanders they pay to members of thier families, talk about scams and rip offs

    more increase in visa fees, more tests

    sooner i can go and live in the phils the better

    if its moving to a country where officials don't get backhanders i don't think phill would be top of the list

    i think it sounds to complicated and just a load of ideas thrown out looking at the amount of different people from different parties already dismissing the ideas hopefully they will back down asap an election is on the way and many labour mps will rely on votes fom those with non eu connections to get back in.

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    just makes me , when the gov spends loads of money on ads for benefit cheats, and all the time some mp's are paying their wifes and kids a wage at the tax payers expense , thats worse to me than someone whos on benefits and try to earn a bit more money...

    what next from the gov, when immigrants, (and whats is an immigrant, those from outside europe ?) come here, they get a tattoo with a number, get sent on a train to london to build the Olympic stadium ? ..

    poor immigrants

  6. #6
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    I came across this link earlier, and I can see from the replies from other readers, that there is growing resentment across all walks of life.
    If this persists, I doubt very much Labour will survive a next general election...
    I am very much of the opinion, that this debate/topic is only a diversionary tactic, to distract the populace from other, more life changing, issues. It has happened before, and no doubt it will happen again..
    I will have a look at the Green paper, but I am sure now, that it will be a wasted exercise.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    just makes me , when the gov spends loads of money on ads for benefit cheats,
    I heard yesterday that the Government advertising went up by nearly 9% last year....
    Whilst every private company was forced to cut down due to rising costs and lower profits....

  8. #8
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I heard yesterday that the Government advertising went up by nearly 9% last year....
    Whilst every private company was forced to cut down due to rising costs and lower profits....

    Victoria and westminster (ie sw1) which in london is the heatland of all things goverment over i would say is second only in intrest to the salespeople of our company to the city and as the banks all start to cut back will leapfrog it.

    Shows you the state of a country when most of the money is generated either by non brits money (the city and equity funds in both the east and the west) or by the goverment from our taxes.

    Yes some of the nicest and largest offices spaces in one of the most expensive cities for landspace you tax payers are paying for trust me

    If we have a largescale installation at a private company or a goverment organsation the latter is always the better one to be on. if budget is exceeded no problems need more space no problems, avaiabilty of clients staff for meetings or what have you no problems. In a private contract its rare for surplus equipment to be written into the contract with goverment contracts its nearly always there.

    One of the pinacles of your career as a salesman at our company is to get sw1 as part of your area or work in the goverment or education sales departments as your guaranteed easy pickings

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i've voted labour all my life, i'm not gonna bother voting again, it will not make much difference where i am thou, as its a labour strong hold, i don't think there has ever not been a labour mp where i am.

    but this immigrant bashing, increased fees, time wasting and delays, tests and exams has gone too far

    makes me when the gov says british this and that, they know they should say euro this and that, stop the .. and stop blaming everythnig on the immigrants from outside euro, who are an easier target than the europeans here.

    i think things will be much worse under the tories thou.. they've said they will put limits on immigrants

  10. #10
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i've voted labour all my life, i'm not gonna bother voting again, it will not make much difference where i am thou, as its a labour strong hold, i don't think there has ever not been a labour mp where i am.

    but this immigrant bashing, increased fees, time wasting and delays, tests and exams has gone too far

    makes me when the gov says british this and that, they know they should say euro this and that, stop the .. and stop blaming everythnig on the immigrants from outside euro, who are an easier target than the europeans here.

    i think things will be much worse under the tories thou.. they've said they will put limits on immigrants
    Joe your wise enough to know both parties neither are different. Same rubbish different colour of flag.

    If you go to the cvill service or the minstries the same people will be working for the tories if they get in.

    Many of the workers in the labour headquarters (who from the little i have seen when visting another office in victoria on another floor are not all true working class freedom fighters just middle class office workers who i am sure work there more for the money and experience. Than for passion.
    If the tories got in and the labour party on the back foot many will jump ship im sure as they just have cottoned on to the safest jobs in town are with the cvill service and poltical parties.

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes i know they are all the same
    but i really do think it will be harder for immigrants under the tories, but in the last couple of years, the labour party sure have turned the screw on immigrants

  12. #12
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    yes i know they are all the same
    but i really do think it will be harder for immigrants under the tories, but in the last couple of years, the labour party sure have turned the screw on immigrants
    I think all the people in power or wishing to have realised its a time bomb as you well know with the current situation. Both will have different unsubtle ways of dealing with it.

    Both parties as they move to the centre realise visas and being strong on crime, terror and creating jobs, wrongly or rightly british (indigenous and those already settled here people will not want others coming from abroad if they might take the jobs.

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    What Mrs smith and co have been saying is only proposals, nothing is 'cut in stone' yet. They have a very long way to go to get it all in the statute book.
    I guess, after all what has 'hit the fan' these last few months the above proposals are just for gaining popular support

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by markieFHM View Post
    What Mrs smith and co have been saying is only proposals, nothing is 'cut in stone' yet. They have a very long way to go to get it all in the statute book.
    I guess, after all what has 'hit the fan' these last few months the above proposals are just for gaining popular support
    True and very wise words but strangely no one from the mainstream indigeous people i.e your everyday white ford driving bloke has mentioned it in a good or bad way to me or read about in the media. Only those who are going to be affected in some way and all are going loopy so i think it backfired on her in a big way.

    By november we are due to be in a huge recession, a guy who works in ireland for a finance company has come over for the league cup final on sunday has been telling me about the mess in the US and in Ireland (there are more vacant flats for sale in Dublin than are planed to be bulid in the whole of this year 2008) and it should hit us full on in august due to his estimation.

    So in November they may be worrying about far more important things like keeping the country afloat.

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well everything starts as a proposal, and i think they will do it all and alot more...

    visa fees went up last april by a big increase, they brought in the life in uk test, they changed ilr from 4 to 5 years for work permit holders, they attempted to stop non euro docs from applying for training posts in the nhs - they lost the case , someone told me that its the first time ever that the gov has been challenged by a pressure group in court and lost, the gov is appealing against the decision end of this month, there is also a challenge in the courts to the 5 yr change for workpermit holders by another group.

    the gov said in the article that they will make the minium age for a spouse visa to 21 from 18, i heard about this rumor more than 18 months ago.

    with the new points system starting for hsmp and workpermits, the proposed cut to 3 months from 6 months to a visitor visa, banning of those who overstay for a period of time, total ban from coimng to the uk who have used deception to get a visa.....

    you can see its been a busy past year for immigration and will be a busy year this year to.

  16. #16
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Thing is, the majority of the UK population want these changes, been screaming for them for decades, we're all at the end of it here so notice the changes. If you do everything the correct way, you still get your beloved here no problem.
    Keith - Administrator

  17. #17
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    well everything starts as a proposal, and i think they will do it all and alot more...

    visa fees went up last april by a big increase, they brought in the life in uk test, they changed ilr from 4 to 5 years for work permit holders, they attempted to stop non euro docs from applying for training posts in the nhs - they lost the case , someone told me that its the first time ever that the gov has been challenged by a pressure group in court and lost, the gov is appealing against the decision end of this month, there is also a challenge in the courts to the 5 yr change for workpermit holders by another group.

    the gov said in the article that they will make the minium age for a spouse visa to 21 from 18, i heard about this rumor more than 18 months ago.

    with the new points system starting for hsmp and workpermits, the proposed cut to 3 months from 6 months to a visitor visa, banning of those who overstay for a period of time, total ban from coimng to the uk who have used deception to get a visa.....

    you can see its been a busy past year for immigration and will be a busy year this year to.

    I think thew minimum age is a sensible thing.I also thing the system does need to be improved but at the moment the new system seems very complicated, the charity work will be abused, lets put it one way Mandairs, Mosques and Guruwadas will be very well painted over the next few years thats for sure. Also to actually check up on the system how will they do it? It will be a signed letter form a person in a certain postion i guess? Sounds like a system far to open to abuse to me.

    I think the ban if decption is used is a good thing and overstaying for a long time only fair imo and i guess they had to implement the Fingerprint and biometrics scheme first before they really could bring it in.

  18. #18
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Thing is, the majority of the UK population want these changes, been screaming for them for decades, we're all at the end of it here so notice the changes. If you do everything the correct way, you still get your beloved here no problem.
    Most people want tougher policys in place I do for one. But the annoucment didn't seem to mean much to many people not involved, i doubt they even notice or remeber if you ask them next month. But it caused a lot of hoo haa in areas where Labour mp need Votes, so i can see a lot of debate on what actual happens and not all MPs following the party line.

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