i know someone who owed nearly 25k, and went to CAB, they wrote letters for him, showing breakdown of his monthly costs, and made an offer of £10 a month, which in the end they accepted, becuase they didn't want to inccur more costs of taking him to court and making him bankrupt and getting nothing, i suppose £10 a month is better than nothing , i don't think he even got a IVA, hes still must have a credit rating or it wasn't checked as he has a bank account and had no problem renting a house..

that reminds me, i'm still getting letters from the magistrates court for what looks like a polish surname, they've getting closer thou, first lot came from a court in cumbria, then demands from blaiffs, and now salford magistrates courts, must have been 20 letters up to now !! hehehe what a waste of tax payers money, maybe i'll phone them and tell them, their wasting their time..