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Thread: Be Honest

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  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i know someone who owed nearly 25k, and went to CAB, they wrote letters for him, showing breakdown of his monthly costs, and made an offer of £10 a month, which in the end they accepted, becuase they didn't want to inccur more costs of taking him to court and making him bankrupt and getting nothing, i suppose £10 a month is better than nothing , i don't think he even got a IVA, hes still must have a credit rating or it wasn't checked as he has a bank account and had no problem renting a house..

    that reminds me, i'm still getting letters from the magistrates court for what looks like a polish surname, they've getting closer thou, first lot came from a court in cumbria, then demands from blaiffs, and now salford magistrates courts, must have been 20 letters up to now !! hehehe what a waste of tax payers money, maybe i'll phone them and tell them, their wasting their time..

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i know someone who owed nearly 25k, and went to CAB, they wrote letters for him, showing breakdown of his monthly costs, and made an offer of £10 a month, which in the end they accepted, becuase they didn't want to inccur more costs of taking him to court and making him bankrupt and getting nothing, i suppose £10 a month is better than nothing , i don't think he even got a IVA, hes still must have a credit rating or it wasn't checked as he has a bank account and had no problem renting a house..

    that reminds me, i'm still getting letters from the magistrates court for what looks like a polish surname, they've getting closer thou, first lot came from a court in cumbria, then demands from blaiffs, and now salford magistrates courts, must have been 20 letters up to now !! hehehe what a waste of tax payers money, maybe i'll phone them and tell them, their wasting their time..
    I would if i was you otherwise you will have the baliffs at the door, of course doesn't matter if you answer and show some I.D.
    But they normally turn up at the oddest time ( the nieighbour had one for a parking fine a few years back knock a few times) and if no one was in or just the Wife it may distress her.

    Sounds like your friend had no assets otherwise they would have gone straight after them.
    I think now they have to offer you a basic form of bank account, even credit card the one many of our wifes get when they first come over with no Credit history.

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