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Thread: British man facing jail over his 'adultery' with a Filipino woman

  1. #31
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum mate, we have all been following your case for a while now, I did a peice on my website about you a couple of weeks ago, at

    Don't despair, there will always be good and bad comments about your case, anyway, just to let you know, there are many people on your side, and I hope you have been following the forum threads and reading about what people here have said.

    I know you cannot reveal where you are, but you can drop me a line at my personal e mail, let us know how you are..and how it is going by personal messaging me.

    As regards to help David, your case is kind of complex, in that I believe the British authorities are kind of tied into the Philippines because of the bridge building contracts they don't want to rock the boat about.

    Secondly, Its a political hot potatoe, the Philippine government knows full well they are totally corrupt, (that is officials), the problem for so many of us David, is that we have to go in country, and pass through immigration, at any time we can be pulled by Bureau of immigration officials, and then we end up on a mission warrant, that can incarcerate us for no reason.

    Its in our best interests to keep a low profile when in country, I suggest your Mother keeps up the pressure on her local MP, who I understand has promised to help you in every way that she can.

    Anyway, I would not worry too much about Delphino's extortion racketeering, you don't have £7000.00 let alone £30,000 so thats a none starter.

    I researched Filipino law in respect of your case, and Katrina Legarda the lawyer who commented on your case, who I saw in London about 2 years ago, has said, that under Filipino law, the child is subject of the former marriage, however its my understanding you have left the jurisdiction of the Philippines, after seeing newspapers reports, it appears you got out.

    Since you have left Filipino jurisdiction, I assume there laws have no bearing outside of the country.

    I doubt whether they will see any mileage in pursuing you, extortion for monetary gain is only worth doing if the target of the sting is wealthy, which you are not.

    Obviously we are not privvy to your current location, or what help is being extended to you, and naturally you would not want to disclose your location or what is being done for you.

    Naturally the Foreign office are aware of your case, you know what happens, they move slowly, as for help from us, we mainly give visa advice, and to be honest, you are already in contact with British Embassy in your location, that is the best we can say at this time.

    I would have thought you could keep up the pressure on the press in the UK by trying to get your name in the papers a little more, I saw numerous stories in the Mail, Sun, Express, and other publications, you need to keep up the pressure, maybe you can persuade one of them to do a human interest story on your case, in exchange for financial help, e mail the newspapers in London and offer them an exclusive, you can then tell your story.

    Best wishes

  2. #32
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post

    Welcome to the forum mate, we have all been following your case for a while now, I did a peice on my website about you a couple of weeks ago, at

    Don't despair, there will always be good and bad comments about your case, anyway, just to let you know, there are many people on your side, and I hope you have been following the forum threads and reading about what people here have said.

    I know you cannot reveal where you are, but you can drop me a line at my personal e mail, let us know how you are..and how it is going by personal messaging me.

    As regards to help David, your case is kind of complex, in that I believe the British authorities are kind of tied into the Philippines because of the bridge building contracts they don't want to rock the boat about.

    Secondly, Its a political hot potatoe, the Philippine government knows full well they are totally corrupt, (that is officials), the problem for so many of us David, is that we have to go in country, and pass through immigration, at any time we can be pulled by Bureau of immigration officials, and then we end up on a mission warrant, that can incarcerate us for no reason.

    Its in our best interests to keep a low profile when in country, I suggest your Mother keeps up the pressure on her local MP, who I understand has promised to help you in every way that she can.

    Anyway, I would not worry too much about Delphino's extortion racketeering, you don't have £7000.00 let alone £30,000 so thats a none starter.

    I researched Filipino law in respect of your case, and Katrina Legarda the lawyer who commented on your case, who I saw in London about 2 years ago, has said, that under Filipino law, the child is subject of the former marriage, however its my understanding you have left the jurisdiction of the Philippines, after seeing newspapers reports, it appears you got out.

    Since you have left Filipino jurisdiction, I assume there laws have no bearing outside of the country.

    I doubt whether they will see any mileage in pursuing you, extortion for monetary gain is only worth doing if the target of the sting is wealthy, which you are not.

    Obviously we are not privvy to your current location, or what help is being extended to you, and naturally you would not want to disclose your location or what is being done for you.

    Naturally the Foreign office are aware of your case, you know what happens, they move slowly, as for help from us, we mainly give visa advice, and to be honest, you are already in contact with British Embassy in your location, that is the best we can say at this time.

    I would have thought you could keep up the pressure on the press in the UK by trying to get your name in the papers a little more, I saw numerous stories in the Mail, Sun, Express, and other publications, you need to keep up the pressure, maybe you can persuade one of them to do a human interest story on your case, in exchange for financial help, e mail the newspapers in London and offer them an exclusive, you can then tell your story.

    Best wishes

    Thats where possibly members here could help by writing to the newspapers and media, as all media want to reach out and deal with subjects their punters are intrested in. Also if we knew where your Mum is based Dave in the uk, those local could write to their local MP to remind he or she of the intrest (ie votes and publicty) this case warrants.

  3. #33
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    His mum is based in Swindon.

  4. #34
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Welcome David and Cynthia.

    Keeping up the public interest/pressure is surely the way to go.

    Wishing you and your family the best!

    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  5. #35
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Being white they will not believe that you have no money..

    I am going over to the Philippines for a couple of weeks and then for good so if i can help in anyway please let me know.


  6. #36
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    His mum is based in Swindon.
    Would you know the MPs name by any chance?

    People may politely wish to email or write to the MP highlighting how important an issue this is to people.

  7. #37
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Would you know the MPs name by any chance?

    People may politely wish to email or write to the MP highlighting how important an issue this is to people.
    I don't know the MP? There has been a bit of media interest, with it being on the local news, several times. Somebody posted a link recently, to a clip from the BBC, presumably on this thread?
    There's got to be a happy ending to this surely?

  8. #38
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Hi Scotty if you decide you would like profile raising let us know who your mp is and I for one will start networking depends on the advice your getting from the Embassy sometimes things need to be done quietly.

    You all have my best wishes and any support I can offer please ask perhaps the boss could give you PM facilities

  9. #39
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    Hi Scotty if you decide you would like profile raising let us know who your mp is and I for one will start networking depends on the advice your getting from the Embassy sometimes things need to be done quietly.

    You all have my best wishes and any support I can offer please ask perhaps the boss could give you PM facilities
    Wise words

  10. #40
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    Welcome to the forum scotty,we are so glad you join here even though we don't know how we help u in some ways....will pray for you !!

    god bless you and Cynthia as well as Janina

  11. #41
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Welcome David - glad that you found us.

    I totally agree with Peter on the 'newspapers' aspect.

    The press can be a pain in the a**e - but they can also be helpful (if it helps them to sell their product of course.)
    AND...........the papers have money!!!

    Good luck to all 3 of you.


  12. #42
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Welcome Scotty. My Prayes to both of you.
    May God Bless You.

  13. #43
    Respected Member jencha8569's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottie102 View Post
    a story about the plight of myself, my baby daughter and girlfriend Cynthia in the Philippines.
    This has led to a postbag with comments from some people critical of my actions.
    I would like to say that when I began my relationship with Cynthia her relationship with her husband had long since broken up,
    we did hear that her ex husband does have a girlfriend shes from australia by all accounts but we got no way to prove it,
    and while adultery is illegal in the Philippines actions are very rarely taken, and almost never against the men in these marriages. The husband had actually asked for an annulment himself as he was in another relationship.
    Sadly the husband in the case decided it was an opportunity to make money because, I believe, he thought I was a rich foreigner, and submitted a claim firstly for £7,000, and now £30, a
    appreciate any help and advice that you can give i know im out of my depth here.
    I believe payments were made to officials to have us arrested.
    Because we have a baby daughter born and being brought up in a loving relationship it would be difficult to defend ourselves, and we both faced jail, with the horrific thought that our daughter would be handed over to Cynthia’s estranged husband under Philippines law.
    I am sure if I was a Filipino this would never had made the courts.
    We sought help at the British Embassy in Manila as well as human rights officials who advised us to leave.
    In doing so, very large amounts of cash were demanded (illegally) for the proper and legal documentation. We were not fleeing justice. We want justice for our baby. We were fleeing corruption.
    My mum is at her wits end and cries when she sees Janina on web cam and wants to hold her as soon as possible.
    It has been a nightmare, but I cannot desert the woman I love and the daughter I love. We hope the British government has a heart and looks on our case sympathetically.and i have no money
    asking for your help and advice
    all i want to do is take care of my family.So once again please please help us on what to do

    welcome scottie

    glad you found this site.
    many people here willing to help you
    just keep in touch. dont lose hope
    everything will be good in the end.

    we pray for you and ur fam

  14. #44
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    sorry to hear about ur story, David and Cynthia,and welcome to the forum..
    we're praying for u and ur family..just let us know in what ways we can be of help..

    God bless..

  15. #45
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    Welcome to the Forum Cynthia and David. As Pete said, that there are many people are on your side. I agree.
    Wishing you both more courage and let the smile on your baby`s face be your inspiration to keep you stronger until you get the justice that you`ve been fighting for.
    God bless you.

  16. #46
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    thank you all

    it is nice to see that there is still good people left in this
    world, I have seen the worst that its worlds got to offer , I have seen
    people willing to do anything that they can to make money off a foriegner
    the Philippines took everything I had emotionaly and
    financially . Its taken everything I have to keep my daughter and cynthia
    safe they are the only thing that keeps me going.
    my savings have long since run out and we are now surviving on charity from friends and family.
    its so unfair on my mum. It's me who should be looking after my mum. She is 62 and disabled and gets very little in the way of pension. She has been scraping round friends and relatives. and my mum got a bad heart
    the embassy is not making it any easier for me .British Embassy want my girlfreind
    to get an anullment but she can not go back to the phillppines because if
    she does then we will both be arrest and she be thrown in prison, also my baby girl will be taken from us.and if me going to prison means that they
    will be safe then i would go now. have no money not every for the British Passport for janina i got the dna that the British Embassy want.
    Anne Snelgrove MPSouth Swindon
    David,Cynthia,Janina thank you all

  17. #47
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Any one have more recent than this update?

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