Hi Subseastu,
We've got our place at a new sub-division a few miles outside of Tacloban not far from San Juanico bridge. I've also noticed prices are on the up in the immediate Tacloban area, and even more so now that Robinsons have started building a new mall and hotel in nearby Marasbaras, and there's rumours of the airport will become an International rather than just domestic. They've just finished building a new bus station in Abucay as well.
Property is cheap once you leave Tacloban - Palo is a good place, Dulag and Tanuan as well, I'm not sure about Samar, but I do know there are some nice beaches around Marabut. I'm not sure what your budget is for buying property, but check this site http://www.islandsproperties.com/properties/leyte.htm for some pointers. The best deals I think are at the sub-divisions, I've seen brand-new 1 bedroom homes for about £2500, they are small with a decent sized lot, so there's room for expansion (we are building a garage at our place). There's always a new sub-division springing up in different places, and most are not advertised on the internet, so its a case of asking or seeking out these places, which is how we found our place.
I found Tacloban is ok in small doses, but I don't think I could live there, the noise, the fumes, the traffic, which is why I would recommend some place nearby. Tacloban is a small place, but it has everything you need, and once the Mall is finished, even better. I feel quite safe when I'm there, but like anywhere in Philippines, caution advised at all times.
Most expats in Tacloban are Americans, but I know there are a few Brits living in Dulag and Palo area, but I haven't as yet made contact with them. Restaurants in Tacloban: Giuseppe's Italian is nice, Stephanie's as well. Alejandros Hotel Cafe is a pleasant place to have a meal. An American guy has a good little website about Tacloban http://www.marasbaras.com/ with some useful bits of info about places to eat.
Hope this helps!