Can someone give me advice on how much one should expect to pay in the Phils for a mobile phone. Thanks
Can someone give me advice on how much one should expect to pay in the Phils for a mobile phone. Thanks
Any standard phone. you know nothing flash.
Or even a website that has some prices would help. Cannot seem to find one!
I do the same but this link may help
There are even more mobile phone shops over here than there are in the UK. They sell brand new - reconditioned and probably knocked-off phones at almost ALL prices.
I paid P3000 for a very decent Nokia.
Alternatively, as suggested before, bring your own phone over here, get it unlocked if necessary (dirt cheap over here) then bung a Smart Sim in it.
Thanks, maybe I should re-phrase question. Why is a typical amount to send her for a phone. I don't wish to be miserly but I just want to know what type of girl she is![]()
hehehe if she ask for highest amount,then u have idea of what type of girl she is........if she said 5thou or less she is the type of girl u can marry
(is that make sense) i guess shes asking mobile phone to you ?
I agree with Fred and Jedc.
Your initial question has a whole different meaning now. One we have seen many times here on the forum.
It depends on what type of phone your girl prefer, does she like features with music,camera etc. if u got the model of the phone from her u can search it from so u will have the idea of price of the phone she want.
BTW the boss offering phoneSuper cool, classic and unique phone
If you give her the choice, she will undoubtly go for the newest more up to date model. So that she can make her friends envious....
Unfortunately keeping up with the joneses is well in fashion overthere....
Don't despair tho.... You can always offer to send an unlocked one from here, of your choice, and tell her it is a surprise.![]()
off in a few dayscan check the prices out for you.. but same as uk prices really..
saying that i got one i got free then gave it to her........ but it was a good phone
Phone costs about the same most of the malls at least in manila and im sure elsewhere. Have areas where anything mobile phone or ipod like is sold in mini shops. Some new some 2nd hand.
We had a thread about this awhile ago and there are differences im told in certain well know makes between the ones bought normally in the UK and some phill sold ones (nokia is thought to be better if it says made in finaland rather than made in china) many japanese comapnies it products the same happens check where its made, and have heard it again in the prices some of the phone dealers will pay will vary and spares and repairs for various makes may vary.
Phones due to the heat and humidty do seem to been knackered far more quicker out there so do bear this in mind.
the woman's n95 is already locking up when she picks up calls. If you have the option to buy in the UK - do it. There are often promos on at rymans and tescos for cheap (and cheaper than PI) handsets. (think that's the correct name?) sells & delivers mobile phones, throughout the Philippines. It's run by an american chap called Bob, who I'm sure many on here know of, as he has a few websites.
If you go to the CITY version, which you will know you are on, as it is in blue text, they sell phone credit too.
Sorry! it's all rather vague, but I'm doing it from memory
It's not hard to find though![]()
!st comes the phone, then comes the top up/ups, then what next, your g/f has no mobile must be the only girl in Phils without one, buy the cheapest one you can get and see if she is grateful first, before spending to much.
Not saying she may be trying it on a bit u just have to be cautious
careful ! hope she isn't material girl .![]()
I think wobblybob's suggestion is fine..
I gave my g/f my phone it is a samsung sgh-500, I told here to see how much she could sell it for, just out of curiosity, she was chatting yesterday and told a shop offered here 5000p approx £62.50 not bad as I bought another identical phone off ebay when I arrived back for £26 inc postage, the thing is second hand goods in Phils retain value but here we virtually give second hand goods away. Can anyone feel a little business side line coming on?
My ears have suddenly pricked up![]()
If you decide to buy and sell phones make sure you an well up on the make and various versions the smallest difference in firmware, serial number or letter on model name can cost you.
buy the mobile yourself and send it to her as a gift. my boyfriend offered to buy me one whne he was here but i refused. i dont like flashy, expensive mobile. i still use my 2-year old nokia 1100.
it defends on the phone,i like flashy and expencive mobile...(just kidding)
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