The new and revised immigration application forms for applications made on or after 29 February 2008 are now available from this website

If you are making your application before 29 February, you must do so on the existing form, which is marked 'version 04/2007' or 'version 05/2007'. If you are applying on or after 29 February 2008, you must use the new form which will be dated '02/2008'.

The new and revised forms can be downloaded from the Home Office website. You must make sure you have read the guidance notes that accompany the application form before you make an application. If you are unsure which application form you should use, you should read the relevant section of the website or contact on 0870 606 7766.

The forms that have been revised are:

Extension of stay or further leave to remain

BUS - business person, sole representative, retired person of independent means, investor, innovator
FLR(IGS) - International Graduates Scheme
FLR(M) - husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner of a permanent resident
FLR(S) - students, student nurse, prospective student or sabbatical officer, exam resits, thesis writing
FLR(FT:WISS) - Fresh Talent: Working in Scotland Scheme
FLR(IED) - work permit holders
FLR(O) - other categories

Settlement, permanent residence or indefinite leave to remain

BUS - business person, sole representative, retired person of independent means, investor, innovator
SET(DV) - victim of domestic violence
SET(F) - family member of a permanent resident
SET(M) - husband, wife, civil partner, or unmarried or same-sex partner of a permanent resident
SET(O) - other categories


NTLTOC - transfer of residence permit from an old to a new passport
COA - certificate of approval for marriage or civil partnership in the United Kingdom.