Persistent bugger aren't you...BANNED again!! Now if you would have just come back and apologised, I would have left it at that.

Spamming is illegal in Europe, and as you are fully aware of the person responsible, then you are liable for any legal action we bring against you.

It costs a lot of money to run, and advertise web sites, and you ABUSED us by thinking you can take advatange of that fact.

I think you are pathetic, and a complete waste of space, ABUSING out trust & friendship, by promoting your company on some one elses hard work.

We are reporting you to your ISP for spamming abuse (which is against your ISP's T&C) in contravention of UK & European law, and may issue a fixed penalty adverting rate of £500 as layed out in the companies T&C.

Isn't it strange that the two above usernames both have THE SAME IP address
&#33;&#33; [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif[/img] The both have similar usernames......and they both SPAM the name of the comapny in them&#33;&#33; How STUPID is that? One and the same. It&#39;s also a little strange that out of 100,000&#39;s of forums, you come STRAIGHT to this one..... [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Erm.gif[/img]