Good day administrators,
I'm here for my 2nd visit to apologize on posting to win2winracing forum particularly on your New-Philippines topic about I have read your reactions and replies to my posting and wanted to personally recognize that it was an a mistake in the first place. I wanted to clear's liability to this issue that the said community website has not asked me nor am I connected to the owner of such site. I found the site on the internet and was interested on what their site was all about as I am from Mactan myself. Sorry if it cause you negative reactions of using your site for advertisement purposes. I didn't intentionally want to divert your members to transfer to or any other reason at all. Bottom line is I am sorry, hopefully you'll accept my apology and forget about it. I promise not to do it again and get on with my life.
Thank you so much for hearing my side.
PS. Hope this will be resolved asap in good terms.