[img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cwm23.gif[/img] You&#39;ve just SPAMMED the company name AGAIN&#33;&#33;&#33; [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Erm.gif[/img]

I accept your apology, but you&#39;ve screwed everything up now, as it appears we have all been reported to our respective ISP&#39;s.

I will also be reporting your email address to Yahoo for breaching there T&C on spamming. Nice of you to convict yourself in public&#33;

Next time, you may want to read the T&C you AGREED to when joining a forum. I CHARGE for advertising, and do not take kindly to people abusing me.

This issue is not now closed, as both my company, and Mactan have to see what action our respective ISP&#39;s take, thanks to YOUR actions.