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  1. #1
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    in the old days ,there wasn't programs to desgin webpages, not like today, yes by hand, sat with me text editor, just as i use to write assembly language by hand in the early 80's.

    more than 27yrs on, and i still can remember 6502 mnemonics how sad is that..

    things have moved on, IDE's make it so easy to program now, not like the old days of having to link, complie and make it an exe by shelling to dos

    i still haven't meet a teenager who surprised me with how much they know about IT, usually how little they know.. .

    show me a teenager who knows about database management, system concepts, conceptual data models and not how to print 'hello world' in java

    but kids are quick learners, my daughter knows how to get to websites, and little marius knows how to turn the pc and monitor off, esp when i'm downloading ..

    but i agree kids are not pushed enough,,
    Mate one step at a time and im impressed how many do program like us with our print out from magazines. Most will do something if they see a result. For example one pupil had made a application which made the name inputed look cool and funky in a different font with symbols around it very simple but impressed all the other pupils who wanted a copy and its a start Geez they are only taster lessons

    What i was also impressed with is nowdays many schools, colleges and unis at least teach their kids aspects of ecdl and many give them the chance to pass it. I recomend taking the ECDL to any Phills who wanna get a job in a UK office where using Microsoft office is a given almost as much as being able to read and write.

    For example if they make an application which they can use so a scanner will scan a paticular area of a page and put a header on the top of the page automatically may not sound much but its the sort of application companies need and want.
    It shows them look this I.T marlarky its all sorts of things from creating spreadsheets with very complicated formulas (required in a lot of advanced and not so advanced jobs nowdays to creating an HTML page or using one of the web page creating applications are basic functions in many jobs in non I.T related jobs, but one people need quite often to go on basic courses to do while at work or they outsource.

    Not everyone needs to be an I.T gensius but the basic levels of all need to be raised those specialising can learn all about databases yawn

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    one pupil had made a application which made the name inputed look cool and funky in a different font with symbols around it very simple but impressed all the other pupils who wanted a copy and its a start
    yes and next they'll be doing their fonts and symbols on someones back wall with a spray can

    i'm pulling your leg , i agree with everything you said

    when i was at school just b4 i left, the school had just bought a commodore pet , well for me it all started with a article in a PET magazine back in 1980 on how to do assembly language for it and for a few years i was hooked on it, til i got burn't out, and no longer cared
    and then i got a 'proper' job

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    when i was at school just b4 i left, the school had just bought a commodore pet ,
    Our school had 2 BBC computers back in 1984...I remember learning BASIC

    10 Type "win2win smells"
    20 Goto 10
    press ENTER/RUN

    win2win smells
    win2win smells
    win2win smells
    win2win smells
    win2win smells
    win2win smells
    win2win smells
    win2win smells
    win2win smells
    win2win smells
    win2win smells
    win2win smells
    win2win smells
    win2win smells
    win2win smells
    win2win smells
    win2win smells

    hours of fun

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    nice one rob

    10 print "scousers are losers!"
    20 goto 10


    need quickbasic, whatever happened to it

  5. #5
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    POKE 175


    Ah, memories - all basic, mind.


  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    don't forget, you might need to PEEK b4 you POKE AL
    or you'rll lose what was there

  7. #7
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    don't forget, you might need to PEEK b4 you POKE AL
    or you'rll lose what was there
    Ah yes Joe - I was PEEKING and POKING a lot in those days!

    My first 'puter was a VIC20 BTW. 3k of memory don't you know.


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