3 years of being there in Philippines is not enough for you to criticise the system, and even have the agrression to say that school in provinces are such a joke.
you are humiliating yourself
I don't mean the kind of education there, I mean the bloody
tracheotomy word that I can't be bothered with. The thing is, you only encountered one student you been asking question about the word and it happened that she was puzzled. Then you started pointing that schools in provinces are rubbish. Be specific!
FYI, even if I have a comfy house, and hubby has got a great job here. I never think of just doing nothing, sitting pretty, and spending all his wages to shopping. Im still working my ass off and choose not to be a leech. And if I choose to be a madame, and be sitting all my life in my comfy house? so what? the hell you care?
And oh yes im helping my lil brothers and sisters in there, its me who send them to school. I don't need to be there to help, they know that they got my support.
Good for you. Goodluck! Hope the Philippines people will recognise your effort in the future. Who knows? and they might even put a statue of you in every school provinces.