You need to learn correct English, you can't STAND ON YOUR HEAD. You should have paid attention in schoolAnyone who stands on their head to laud the education system here, clearly doesn't know what they are talking about.![]()
You need to learn correct English, you can't STAND ON YOUR HEAD. You should have paid attention in schoolAnyone who stands on their head to laud the education system here, clearly doesn't know what they are talking about.![]()
Keith - Administrator
Boss you can.
If you cut your head off![]()
But its a once in a lifetime sort of thing
Starting late last week and for the next three weeks we have 10 work experience pupils joining us at my company in various roles and departments. We were going to take two on but due to being let down at late notice the school was desperate to find places for 8 and our HR credit to them (i can't belive i just wrote that) found them placements and arranged all the paperwork.
These kids are from a very rough inner city school and the extra eight the majority are no angels.
But we have had no problems just praise for them from day one. The Training manger in charge of them said we will treat you right as long as you work hard if you muck about your out no ifs no buts.
We can't pay them i belive but they will recieve freebies and meals out as incentives instead. But they don't know that.
The school was concerned that we insisted they work on monday even with a storm on its way (this is central london not the coast), they then didn't want us to overwork them. The training officer actually rang the parents and said look we will look after your children, but want to work them as they would in a real life situation. If they show promise we will try to develop and possibly employ them in the future. All the parents were like yes yes, as they see what a great chance this is for them.
The school tried to make it as complicated as possible and seem to be totally negative in the way they work with our company.
Today i was with one of them and his mentor from our company it was 6.00 in the evening and we had a major issue. This kid that the school contacts (im not sure if a teacher or liason officer) had warned us might be trouble. Was loving it and even volunteered to make a detour to drop of a vital parcel on his way home and come in very early the next day to help out.
We seem to have a poor education system for various reasons but part of the reason seems to be we don't push our Chilldren enough and movtivate them. We also seem to teach them all the wrong things but i had better not get started on that.
I have tonight written to the training manager to see if we can sponsor the young man though college, if he keeps up this performance for the rest of his time with us.
So it seems its not the kids but the system which is at fault.
Although the skills a lot of the Phill youngsters i have contact with i think is poor (for what we look for in my industry). The majority have the capacity for hardwork and movatied to learn and gain knowledge on subjects which will be useful for them if given the chance.
OK truce,
If attacked I can dish it right back with vigor... especially when I am right.
so if the object here is to exchange polite banal chit chat, I can do that too. and just to fit in, I'll add my requisite 10 meaningless emoticons so popular here.
The weather is hot, the beer cold, and the local population friendly... in Dumaguete.
visit my blog to see what the Philippines is really like, and it is a positive view.
Well now I know you are desperate for a comback, since you have to refer to a war in which the U.S. saved your beloved UK, and you don't have the sense to realize it, or acknowledge it. Your musings are ethnocentricity at its worst, and rather insulting to the thousands of yanks that gave there lives to save your sorry ass.
The point is your misunderstanding of the terms educated, and intelligence, which you used interchangebly. Clearly you divert because you can't defend your misspoken words.
We can do this forever, or you can follow the advice of one of your subscribers and get it back to topic, after all, your the admin, not a spammer.
this is fun actually
Yank vs Admin
I can see the flame.![]()
There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.
''............a war in which the U.S. saved your beloved UK, and you don't have the sense to realize it, or acknowledge it.''
Is it realise or realize?
Whose beloved UK............... Paleface...????
əˌlaɪz/Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ree-uh-lahyz]Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciationverb, -ized, -iz·ing. –verb (used with object) grasp or understand clearly. make real; give reality to (a hope, fear, plan, etc.). bring vividly to the mind. convert into cash or money: to realize securities. obtain as a profit or income for oneself by trade, labor, or investment. bring as proceeds, as from a sale: The goods realized $1000. 7.Music. to sight-read on a keyboard instrument or write out in notation the full harmony and ornamentation indicated by (a figured bass). 8.Linguistics. to serve as an instance, representation, or embodiment of (an abstract linguistic element or category): In “Jack tripped,” the subject is realized by “Jack,” the predicate by “tripped,” and the past tense by “-ed.” –verb (used without object) convert property or goods into cash or money.
Also, especially British, re·al·ise.
And in the original version... In the Queen's English........... With an "S"
And the British Navy stopped the US from being invaded by a superior foe. btw, if you saved our limey asses, the soviets saved uncle Sam. The largest battles by far were between the Germans and the Soviets, who took the brunt of the axis fighting machine by a very large margin. US forces alone would probably have been smashed.
Ok comradeski?
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