in the old days ,there wasn't programs to desgin webpages, not like today, yes by hand, sat with me text editor, just as i use to write assembly language by hand in the early 80's.
more than 27yrs on, and i still can remember 6502 mnemonics

how sad is that..
things have moved on, IDE's make it so easy to program now, not like the old days of having to link, complie and make it an exe by shelling to dos
i still haven't meet a teenager who surprised me with how much they know about IT, usually how little they know..

show me a teenager who knows about database management, system concepts, conceptual data models and not how to print 'hello world' in java
but kids are quick learners, my daughter knows how to get to websites, and little marius knows how to turn the pc and monitor off, esp when i'm downloading ..
but i agree kids are not pushed enough,,