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Thread: how much to live in Phils?

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  1. #1
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    what if they bring in a new taxation system

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    From my limited knowledge of life in phill no one seems to pay income tax. I know they have evat on purchases, but so do we.
    Surely as the nation changes and hopefully prospers surely that will change?

    I mean goverments main role in life world wide seems to be creating taxes.

  3. #3
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    From my limited knowledge of life in phill no one seems to pay income tax. I know they have evat on purchases, but so do we.
    Surely as the nation changes and hopefully prospers surely that will change?

    I mean goverments main role in life world wide seems to be creating taxes.
    My son has a job here and he pays income tax..All large company employees do in fact.
    Collecting from small businesses that are not registered though?
    From my observation here so far,Probably not in my life time.

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    My son has a job here and he pays income tax..All large company employees do in fact.
    Collecting from small businesses that are not registered though?
    From my observation here so far,Probably not in my life time.
    So if say Joe on here opened his fence painting business for example, when he was painting every fence in his local area.
    would the local goverment i.e the mayor want his taxes in your experiences? otherwise anyone with a grudge could report you as un registered i guess?

    I remeber a great post on one of the Yank phill websites where a guy wrote all the costs which he had experienced when runnng the old standby the internet cafe.
    I remember reading about taxes which were almost impossible to get out of which locals were unaffected by with a similar small business.

    As GMA tries to sort out the mess surely she will need more funds to push on with progress. I have no idea how they raise the money but its something i would want to take into account.

    At first if the misus ever wants to go back i would wish to stay with my present company to get the best for my pension and loyalty bonsues

    But being a busy kind of guy i would want to run a small business more to help the family, but if the taxes kicked in i might be better doing consultancy work and paying them to work around the house/farm.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    From my limited knowledge of life in phill no one seems to pay income tax. I know they have evat on purchases, but so do we.

    I mean goverments main role in life world wide seems to be creating taxes.
    You are right andy, some small business can escape to pay taxes at all, even some of the big company or famous individual they didn't elaborate how much they earn

  6. #6
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jedc143 View Post
    You are right andy, some small business can escape to pay taxes at all, even some of the big company or famous individual they didn't elaborate how much they earn
    Petty much the same in the UK.
    Justified in some cases given the stealth taxes there.

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